I have now found out how to change the inline-uploading.php to make bigger thumbnails.
Its still not perfect and has a little bug in the image list. Here is what I have done and now I have much bigger images in my posts but still small images in the image list..
Line numbers might not be exact, so do a search
Line 237
find: $height_width = ‘height=”‘.$imag………
todo: //$height_width = ‘height=”‘.$imag (has to be removed)
not sure if its my server that has speciel settings, but $height_width is empty for me always.
Line 88-91
find: if ( $imagedata[‘width’] > ………
There will be a number in each line. This will set the new size. 2 x width and 2 x height
Line 244 & 245
find: imga[{$ID}] = ‘<img id= (……
find: imgb[{$ID}] = ‘<img id= (……
todo: Insert width=\”96px\” like this
<img width=\”96px\” id= (
This is the size of the thumbnails in the image list
Line 249
find: <div id=’div{$ID}’ class=’imagewrap…….
todo: in the next line, insert width=\”96px\” like above
This also fixes the size in the image list. Needs to be done in all three places or the thumbnail will get biger when you choose to make a link or not.
Thats all I have done and now I have large thumbnails and small thunmbnails in the image list.
There is a bug in the image list with this, but it shouldnt be a problem. It will just show the “next” button even though it shouldn’t.
I hope someone can use this becaue I have used many hours testing it now ??
Edit: Remember to make a copy of your working file first and you need to upload all your pictures again to make it work with your pictures.
And use at your own risk.