• uruz7


    When I first set my blog up with version 1.5 it displayed fine in Internet Explorer and Firefox. I have since upgraded and haven’t even thought of checking it again in internet explorer. I’ve tried using a validator but it really didn’t help me much as I do not know enough about web standards. The theme I am using is modified but trying to use the default theme has the same issue without any mods. The site can be found at https://sethsblog.com

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  • blackmamba


    I have a simular problem. My sidebar is all the way at the bottom of the screen in IE but not in FF… And even with the standard default theme it doesn’t work :/
    check it here : https://blog.exquisitecomic.be/



    blackmamba, it might help a little bit to fix the validation errors…there isn’t too many. But I think one of your images is too big or something..maybe try lowering the width of it down once. =)

    I also made a post about the fix for the header/footer shift to. Fixes a few problems for that default theme..




    Uruz7, please excuse me while I slap myself! [SLAP] I found it, I was looking in your header section of the blog while viewing source and seen it said “wulan” it’s supposed to be “wuhan”.

    In your header.php file change this:
    <link rel=stylesheet type="text/css" href="https://www.sethsblog.com/wordpress/wp-content/themes/wulan/style-ie.css">

    To this:
    <link rel=stylesheet type="text/css" href="https://www.sethsblog.com/wordpress/wp-content/themes/wuhan/style-ie.css">




    spencerp, I used your files for the theme, but the problem remains… How and where do I fix those validation problems?




    Well, it’s not the “theme’s” errors of course, it’s something to do with the frameset code some where in the site.

    <frameset rows="100%,0" border="0" frameborder="0" framespacing="0" framecolor="#000000">
    <frame src="https://cmdstud.khlim.be/~jcornelissen/wordpress/">
    <body bgcolor="#FFFFFF">
    The Exquisite Comic - BLOG </h2>
    <a href="https://cmdstud.khlim.be/~jcornelissen/wordpress/">
    Click here to continue

    Why are you using that anyways lol? Just was curious.. ALSO, the sidebar still goes downwards in IE6, try making the width of this image lrg_ironspidey_001.jpg smaller.. width wise..

    You using some type of redirect like above or something…




    Thx, I’ll try to make the image smaller. But the frameset I dont know why I use it :/ Isn’t it standard? Strange…


    Aight, I removed the Spiderman image and it works! Now I have to look into the pixelshift ??



    I’m not sure about that being “standard” per se, cause I never really used it before at all..

    But when I go to this address here:

    It takes me to the same place as here:

    The first one must have been the orignal default URL from the host or something maybe..I dunno.

    Now your sidebar is back up again in IE6…=) Just upload all of my images and files like normal, except for your header image.. should be fine then.. =)




    Yes the cmdstud… is my original place, but I wanted a more comfortable link so i use the blog.exq… So it’s problably cuz of that.

    And now everything is almost back to normal! Thank you very much!

    Thread Starter uruz7


    Here’s something interesting. I have copied the whole wulan theme directory over to a test blog at https://test.sethsblog.com/wordpress/ and it worked just fine. This means that it can’t be the CSS in the theme but a setting in wordpress itself. I will trudge through but admin panels later to see what could be wrong.

    spencerp — I hope you can help me, as I have a similar problem as blackmamba had.

    The blog in question is at https://www.unsg.org

    My sidebar occasionally jumps to the bottom of my blog – not always, just occasionally. And if I refresh, it ends up in the right place.

    I don’t think my images are too large, as there seems to be plenty of room still available.

    Any ideas?


    I hope you can also help me!
    My problem is exactly the same! My sidebar jumps to the bottom of the page. First it appears for 0.5 seconds and then it jumps down.
    I have changed the size of all images.. made them smaller.
    my blog:


    Your problem seems to be in the sidebar – one of your images – likely the babelfish image.

    I found the problem
    In my sidebar I integrated all my links of delicious. There I had a quit long link (comeing from a pdf file..
    This lenth caused the problem!
    So take care with long links!
    May be this should be a bug to fix for next releases!

    i also have a problem like this. in IE6.0 my sidebar looks very nice, but when checking my blog in firefox and netscape the sidebar can be found at the ‘bottom’ of the page, below the last blog. very strange and ugly. who can help me out? my site: https://www.eediete.nl/keuken
    thanks in advance,

    To eediete: about your problem, you can decrease the maincol’s width to around 570px, it will be ok.

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