70,000 posts WP site lags when posting/editing
Hi guys, as topic suggested. My site will always (100% of the time) be inaccessible for about 3-7 seconds after I click Publish or Edit a post. This problem started almost wayyy back from since I only had 30,000 posts.
What I did to try resolve the issue:
Research and searched. And narrowed down to mySQL problem (probably)
Ran mysqltuner and fixed all the settings it suggest
Changed caching system settings (SUper Cache and W3 TOtal)
Changed caching system (from Super Cache to W3)
disabled and enabled most of my plugins (some did not because of high reputation and the mini size of them, like WP-PageNavi)What I think can fix but do not know how to start:
I came across a topic called mySQL table locking. Some of the mySQL gurus said that when a WP post numbers are too large, it will lock the table and causing my site’s symptoms. But none suggest how to fix them for a database beginner like me… So here I am.I am also doubtful of my theme being the culprit. Since the problem only occurs when I am in the backend trying to post/edit something. Regardless of how busy/easy my site was at the time.
My site is https://www.theborneopost.com
My Plugins (as of now):
W3 Total Cache
Contact Form 7
Print Friendly and PDF
Use Google Libraries
WP-OptimizeServer Specs:
2Mbit with 1TB CDN
quadcore Xeon
fastCGIMost, if not all, the plugins are installed after I noticed the problem (since 2 years ago). So They are probably not related to it…
I would really, really appreciate any help to this (haunted me for 2 years+…). If anyone need more info, please leave a reply here. Thank you all, in advance.
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