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  • Played around with hesk on my test server and it looks pretty good.

    I made a directory in my active theme called hesk/ (wordpress/wp-content/themes/Barthelme/hesk) and then followed the hesk install instructions.

    I modified the hesk/index.php, adding require('../../../../wp-blog-header.php'); to the top so I could add my get_header, get_sidebar and add my structure div’s to maintain positioning… I found a rogue exit() screwing me up in hesk/inc/ and removed that so it would return and close my div’s and use my footer.

    Hesk open in Barthelme
    Hesk submit in Barthelme

    Added some background, and it still needs some tweaks to css, but for continuity it works fine.

    VERY nice. I hadn’t realized it was that “tweakable”. Have to mess with it some myself….

    Love the Lillian Hellman quote, btw….

    mmm ;’) It’s Quality Quotes (qqotd), I like it because it dl’s once a day (about a dozen?) so there’s not much ‘load’.

    Oh, and a big PS:

    Location… If I moved this to ‘live’, I think I’d put the hesk directory right in wp-content/ just so it’s path is more ‘independent’ from any specific theme.

    Nicest part: No steenkin’ frames ;’)

    Hmm. Have to look into that quoter then…. And yeah, I’ll go along with the “no steenkin’ frames” attitude! Thanks for playing with it and providing some viable info!

    I put it on my live site: My Help Desk

    Did more tweaking with the css (original stuff was html 2.0 I think). Planning on making the front end xhtml valid (not worrying about the admin/back-end), and I’d like to remove all the tables used for formatting.

    Wow, that looks neat! Great job there…. yeah, whacking tables is a PITA.

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