• Resolved ronams


    I upgraded from 2.0.3 to 2.0.4. My Blog disappeared (www.strategy2execution.com/blog), but can be found on https://www.strategy2execution.com/blog/wp-admin. The database seems to be working and complete.
    A second problem was that got a blank page on Manage posts. Manage pages was ok. Since re-installing multiple times, now I only get “Page Cannot Be Displayed”. I can no longer even get Manage pages. When you click on Manage, the url is https://www.strategy2execution.com/blog/wp-admin/edit.php

    Some Issues:

    • I’ve checked the upgrade files (as downloaded and unzipped) and they mostly seem to have a carriage return after the ?> at the end files (e.g. edit.php and wp-config.php) This seems to be true in almost all the files I looked at. I’ve removed the carriage returns on those files, but can’t believe that’s the problem since it seems to exist on all the files I’ve looked at.
    • I’ve downloaded the upgrade and uploaded with my edited wp-config.php.
    • It’s not certain whether the .htaccess was backedup originally or not. I’ve recreated this file and have the right access (666)

    Please help. I’ve scoured the support pages and have been down for a couple of weeks trying to sort this out myself.

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  • Thread Starter ronams


    • Also add that the plug-ins are all deactivated.
    • the other areas of wp-admin seem to all work except the Manage area. It immediately goes to “Page cannot be Displayed
    • There are no error messages, since it just reverts to the internet explorer “Page cannot be displayed”

    Just a quick question…the URL you gae for your blog isn’t the URL you go to. If you put that URL in the browser, it redirects to another site. Is that *your* redirect and your site (and you put in the wrong URL for some reason), or did you even know it was doing that?

    Thread Starter ronams


    This is a redirect. It was working fine before the upgrade. You can also go to https://www.h2roadmap.com/blog and the same failures occur.
    I didn’t mean to repost, but thought that it was better matched to the other support section since it was running (at one point).

    Well, I notice it’s a *completely* blank page – meaning, when you view the source code, there’s nothing there, either. Usually (at least in my experience) that means there’s a PHP error somewhere. (It could be a database error too, but we’ll go with what I quasi-know, in hopes it helps you until someone smarter comes along!)

    Do you know if your PHP error reporting is turned on? If it *is* a PHP error, then it’s not – because it would show you the error and exactly where it is. If it *is* on, then it’s something else that’s wrong.

    We can easily find out if error reporting is on if you can create a PHP file and uplaod it. Just open up Notepad and put in “<?php phpinfo(); ?>, save it as “test.php” and upload it somewhere on your server. Doesn’t matter where. Just post back the URL and we’ll see what’s there ??

    Thread Starter ronams


    I hope this is what you meant. I created test.php with just <?php phpinfo(); ?> in it. I didn’t put the leading ” in it. It is in the folder https://www.h2roadmap.com/blog
    url is:


    Yep – that’s what I wanted.

    Well, you *do* have error reporting turned on, and you already have it set to display errors. So it looks like your problem isn’t a PHP one (as far as getting far enough to display the errors that’s causing the issues, anyway).

    Okay, I did a search on this problem, and on eof the big suggestions is this:

    log into your admin area. Turn off all your plugins, reset your theme to “default” and see if that brings up your site.

    It’s a start ??

    Thread Starter ronams


    Thanks for following up. I’ve been down since Aug 8 trying fix it myself. This is a business based blog and so it’s starting to hurt a lot.

    There are no plug-ins active and I have reset the theme to the default. I’ve done this many times trying to fix it before with no luck. Thanks again for sticking with me on this.

    No problem – although I don’t know how much help I’ll actually be!

    Let’s see….

    Have you tried re-installing 2.03 and then re-upgrading? (Or even just reverting back to 2.03?) Could it be possible that a file was corrupted somehow during the upload of 2.04?

    Also, have you tried logging into your database (with phpMyAdmin) and looking to see if there is data in your tables?

    Here’s something you might try – open up wp-config.php in your text editor, and put in this line:

    define(‘DISABLE_CACHE’, true);

    Save and upload – see if that helps?

    Thread Starter ronams


    I’ve tried multiple re-installations of 2.0.4 and have tried to re-install 2.0.3 with same results.

    I also just tried define(‘DISABLE_CACHE’,true); with no change.

    One thing that I’m curious about. All the documentation says there should be no extra characters spaces carriage returns etc. after ?> in a php file. Yet, I look at most of the .php files that are part of the upgrade e.g. wp-config.php edit.php and they all have a carriage return after the ?> Any thoughts. Any suggestions. I’m having people turn off their links to my site since I’ve been down so long.

    yes, but when you reinstalled and/or disabled the cache – did you clear the cache in your browser as well (close the browser window, re-open, go to home page, clear cache, then go to your site), or just reload the page?

    As for the extra whitespace – if that were the problem, you’d get an error message saying something like “headers already sent”. We’ve already determined that your error reporting and display is already turned on – yet no errors are shown. So whitespace isn’t the problem.

    Another question is this: before you tried the upgrade, did you backup your database and files? If so, why not delete your wordpress files and database tables, and start with a fresh install of 2.04?

    Thread Starter ronams


    Yes, I did clear cache in multiple ways, including windowasher.
    In terms of upgrade, I’ve deleted and re-installed everything except clearing the database tables.

    Before I delete the tables in the database, I can see all the postings in the blog/wp-admin area. I can even bring up on i.explorer individual posts and can see them on the wp-admin recent posts that shows up on the right side of WP-Admin. It seems like that there there. The manage screen doesn’t come up at all. (e.g. wp-admin/edit.php this also show The Page Cannot Be Displayed Once upon a time, before the other attempts at fixing the missing entry page, hitting manage brought up a blank page (rather than the current page cannot be found). When clicking on manage pages (as compared to posts), it showed all the pages correctly. Now neither show up and I get the page cannot be displayed.

    I guess I just paranoid about whether the database back up is good. There doesn’t seem to be a good way to test that. Yesterday I did some exploring in what is online and it all seems to be there (all the posts etc.). I haven’t found a way to test whether the one database back up is good.

    Don’t delete your database yet. It seems that it’s working fine, if you can see your posts and such.

    I just tried to view your wp-content folder, and it also comes up as a blank white page. However, there’s a difference: when you view source, the HTML is there – there’s just nothing in it. (In IE, your blog page comes up as a 404 – Page not found.)

    Hmm…here’s a question – what are your file permissions set at? Folders should be 755, files 644…

    Thread Starter ronams


    Checked all of them. All folders 755 and file 644 except .htaccess that is 666.

    Say.. what’s in that .htaccess? Have you experimented with temporarily renaming it?

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