not a problem. i try to at least get a direction going or ask for more info.. if it is soemthing i cannot answer or someone else understands better, its a direction to start at.
what skippy means is that say your page is subscribe.php
you would get your sidebar.php (or whatever the file is that has the menu on ot – depends on the theme – the names of the files can change from theme to theme) and add soemthing like (opening the file sidebar.php in wordpade or notepad and manually inserting the link for the code)
in the default theme, it would be the file sidebar.php
you could look through the code and manually add a link to sidebar.php ((<a href="sidebar.php">Subscribe Link</a>
here in the code:
<?php wp_get_archives('type=monthly'); ?>
<a href="sidebar.php">Subscribe Link</a>
<?php wp_list_cats('sort_column=name&optioncount=1&hierarchical=0'); ?>
See how I manually added the link between the code for The Subscribe Link between Archives and the code for categories?
Does that make a little bit of sense?
Or, you could goto your links manager in the admin panel and add the link there so it would show up wherever your links are listed at automatically