• I just downloaded and installed RssReader in order not to keep coming back to my threads and finding them unreplied to. Clicked on RSS on my page https://www.ads-software.com/support/profile/112356 and was greeted by a page of HTML coming up! So I pasted the URL into RssReader and was told it was invalid.

    Any ideas anyone?

    ps what does anyone thing of Joomla – looks great huh? ??

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  • Thread Starter ahhh


    . . . by the way the validation page with all the faults is at: https://www.feedvalidator.org/check?url=https://www.ads-software.com/support/profile/112356

    Thread Starter ahhh


    Hi! I clicked the link and got a page of HTML again. I’ve posted elsewhere about this problem https://www.ads-software.com/support/topic/90937?replies=1
    There’s something very odd about it all. I’ve just tried IE6 on another machine and that yields the same HTML page. The text under my username is visible (not in IE7)

    Is that page of HTML actually XML which is actually the RSS feed in question?

    My Firefox sees it as RSS. What are you using for a feed reader?

    Thread Starter ahhh


    Ahhh !! Well in IE7 the feed reader is built in but for Firefox I’ve got RssReader

    Thread Starter ahhh


    I’ve realised, while trying to enable someone else to get a feed from my site, that I can’t find the info I need to really understand feeds – there’s technical stuff and then there’s elementary stuff but as always technical folk just can’t get the hand of speaking outside their discipline. I’ve got “feed readers” – Explorer 7 has one built in, Firefox sometimes displays a logo in the address bar, I have RssReader which could be described as a stand alone package. I’ve subscribed to feeds. It’s a doddle BUT . . . . THEN WHAT’S SUPPOSED TO HAPPEN???? ?? Do I have to keep going and checking somewhere anyway to see what’s changed and if not HOW will I be notified??? Is it really only for people who want to keep track of dozens of sites/pages of which only one or two may change?

    I’ve read stuff in IE7, introductions to RssReader, stuff on the web, stuff here, but NOTHING that would help me to explain it to someone else who is not interested in technical mumbo jumbo, and definately not interested in going to the trouble of installing .Net or anything else if a clear and present advantage can be easily understood. So the question is “I’ve subscribed to feeds but nothing’s changed. Does this thing do anything that helps me?”

    Long story short: The idea of subscribing to feeds is that you have one place to go (your feed reader) to see if any of the subscribed pages/blogs/lists/etc. have changed or updated.

    Your feed reader will periodically poll the subscribed sites to see if there are any new posts/articles that you want to be aware of.

    For instance, I subscribe, via RSS feeds, to a large number of blogs. This saves me from having to type in a 100 different urls each day to check for new stuff. Instead, I just check my feed reader — it’ll tell me if anything new has popped up.

    .Net is not necessary to read feeds. It may be necessary for some feed readers, I suppose. I tend to use bloglines or google reader as I prefer web based readers. They work from any machine I happen to be using.

    Does that help?

    Thread Starter ahhh


    Brilliant, as always ?? Thanks. You really are an invaluable person here, at least for me. It’s like being lost in some immense and dusty Kafkaesque warehouse with your lone voice echoing dimly through the gloom. Getting lost in Raiders of the Lost Ark imagery I’m afraid, and also a bit drunk on posting on my blog! I can’t hold it in anymore, sod the structure!

    Err . . . anyway, I’ve got the hang of it in IE7 I think. I have to have a side panel open and the feeds show in bold if anything’s changed on them, right? Guess the precise display varies across readers. What do you use?

    Your imagery if flattering. But truthfully, I only know this stuff because I’ve broken it in every possible way (usually unintentionally) first. ??

    I currently am using google’s reader (www.google.com/reader) to manage my feeds. But if you’re only tracking a handful of sites, the built-in stuff with IE or FF is quite sufficient.

    Thread Starter ahhh


    Is there anything built into FF? I haven’t found it for WP pages, though it does show the icon in the address bar for some sites. I’m using

    in FF, just click that icon in the address bar.

    Thread Starter ahhh


    Yeah, but for WordPress there is no icon . . . . and WordPress is the reason I got involved with RSS in the first place! Oddly, there is an icon shown for MY blog page. The only page that shows the icon on WordPress is www.ads-software.com. I can find no other page on the site that displays it.

    At the moment I’m being forced in Uncle Bill’s back yard.

    Gotcha. I think.

    On your profile page here, you have a link for RSS feeds for all your stuff. That’s this critter: https://www.ads-software.com/support/rss/profile/112356

    Probably your best bet to monitor all your topics.

    At the bottom of each topic(right before the reply section) is a link if you want to subscribe to that particular thread. (RSS feed for this topic) For this one, that’s https://www.ads-software.com/support/rss/topic/90861

    Does that help?

    Thread Starter ahhh


    Mmm. I get https://www.ads-software.com/support/profile/112356/edit as it’s properties. Could this last “edit” word be the problem? Why do I get it and you don’t?

    Anyway, when I click on the link all that happens is the HTML page comes up. You said earlier that it might be the RSS feed XML itself I think. It works as it should in IE7 I just want to use FF for pc reasons I guess, and I’ve got fond of FF, like its appearance etc. All small beer though really if it don’t work. Do you see the icon in your address bar on my profile page? What happens if you click on the RSS link at the top of that?

    Thread Starter ahhh


    OOps sorry, clicked on the wrong link. I get the same properties as you do for it (surprise surprise!) so no clues at all except to my idiocy!

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