• Resolved Bodhi


    From a recent email request for help with a Vistered Little default background wallpaper question:
    How can I make one of the wallpapers the background for first time visitors instead of white? I still want ’em to be able to click on thumbnails once they figure out they can change wallpapers themselves, but I want that first impression to be a particular wallpaper instead of white.

    problem happens when the default wallpaper image in the theme’s /wallpapers/ directory isn’t also present in the theme’s /images/ directory

    Easy Fix:
    Web browse to your blog home page. Then open up the source for that page. Up toward the top find the CSS entry for the default wallpaper image, #wallpaper0:

    #wallpaper0 { background: url(‘…/vistered-little-1/wallpapers/myWallPaper.jpg’) …

    copy the image file (in this case myWallPaper.jpg) to the theme’s /images/ directory.

    A better fix:
    Open functions.php in the theme editor.

    Scroll down to the function spitOutWallpaperCSS()
    (about line 90 in the editor) and find the line:

    print “/images/” . $wallpaper . “‘) top center fixed; }\n”;

    and replace “/images/” with “/wallpapers/” like this:

    print “/wallpapers/” . $wallpaper . “‘) top center fixed; }\n”;

    Hope this helps you Vistered Little fans.
    Email me if you have questions…
    Bodhi – bodhi [at] ALL7 [dot] com

    Message for Nik in case you’re listening:
    You’re the man. Vistered Little roxxx!

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