• i tried both blogbuddy and w.bloggar software
    and neither of them will set the category right.
    i tried <category>General</category> and <category>2</category>
    and it always ends up with the default category….any ideas?

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  • Thread Starter vires


    hmm..anyone not experiencing the same problem?….cuz i really need help

    I use Sauce Reader, which is a feedreader+blog editor. It works real smooth, and unlike the others, lets you assign multiple cats, too.

    I am having a similar problem. I am hosted on blogsome, which uses WordPress Mu (1.5.1 alpha).

    When I post using the web dashboard, no hassles.

    If I post using ecto or MarsEdit (XMLRPC), the category I choose is selected, but so is the default category. Every time.

    I’ve noticed that this is still happening with the release version of 1.5.1 and ecto 2.3.2. Is this a WP thing or is it an issue with ecto interfacing with WP?

    I compared the xmlrpc from 1.5 with the one from 1.5.1, and I think I found the culprit. In the 1.5.1 version, the else statement that begins at line 583 seems to be the problem

    else {
    $post_category[] = 1;

    I commented that part out and the default category is no longer added when I post with ecto.

    Re dannyngan – In fact, in WordPress “General”, i.e. “Uncategorized” is the default category. Anything without a category will automatically go into General / Uncategorized, which makes this else block unnecessary. I wonder if anyone has bug-reported it?

    Note: You need to comment it out twice. Otherwise it will appear when you update an existing entry!

    Thanks for figuring this out!

    How do you report a bug? Or find out if it has been reported?

    is this resolved to anyone’s satisfaction? I’m not sure just commenting out those else blocks at line 530 and 583 are doing it. Posts and re-posts are very slow: they actually seem to timeout in ecto. the changes do stick but ecto just spins.

    This is what I have ended up with: I leave the first block (starting at 530) alone and just change the one starting at 583:

    583 } else {
    584 if (!($post_category)) {
    585 $post_category[] = 1;
    586 }
    587 }

    That seems to make re-posting or updating work as it should (ie, quickly).

    and I just tested it with a new posting: seems to work there too.


    Any plans on slipping a solution to this easy-to-fix bug into an official release anytime soon? We’ve seen at least one release today without it.

    There was a security update that I think shifted around the line numbers. I can confirm that this little patch seems to work all right, but it is now located around line 622 as so:
    622 } else {
    623 if (!($post_category)) {
    624 $post_category[] = 1;
    625 }
    626 }

    Just downloaded wordpress- and I cannot find these lines…
    Now in both instances (lines 559-567 and 617-625) this code looks like this:

    $post_category = array();

    if (is_array($catnames)) {
    foreach ($catnames as $cat) {
    $post_category[] = get_cat_ID($cat);
    } else if ( !empty($catnames) ) {
    $post_category = array(get_cat_ID($catnames));

    I have the same old problem: when posting feeds from ecto, WordPress is replacing correct categories these feeds belong to and saves all feeds as the default category …

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