• I would appreciate constructive criticism of the theme I developed for my personal blog at https://www.vikingprincess.net

    I have no previous webdevelopment or design experience so I am likely to have made quite a few mistakes. Please feel free to point them out to me.

    Btw, I am not sure how to trigger a 404 error so I can test that page.. (If I just mistype a page name I get the error message on single.php – not from the 404.php page… ??

    Many thanks!

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  • very nice start ??

    https://www.vikingprincess.net/kjlkjlkj <– theres your 404 page, btw ??

    If on a 1317px wide screen I still get a horizontal scroll – there is a big problem with that design…

    Overall I do like this theme, but there are some things that could use a bit of fixing. I’m using IE 7 to view your blog.

    On the top post, the title is posted directly over the date, rather hard to read either one.
    On the other posts, the title only shows up when I mouse over the link to leave a comment on the post before it. That’s odd. And when the title does show up, again, it’s right on top of the date.

    I think the background is too large. I know there’s a proper term for it, please forgive my brain fart…but I’ve got a horizontal scroll bar when viewing your site. I’m using a 1024×768 screen resolution. I don’t have to scroll over to see the content, and your right sidebar is clear as well, so when I scroll overit’s only to see the wooden frame with the leaves and such on it, and the woven blue bit. I do love the theme overall, there’s just no need for the horizontal scroll.

    The third and fourth posts seem to be having an issue with the photo in the second post. The text in the second post wraps around the photo just fine, but the third and fourth posts are only in a column to the right instead of filling up their alloted space as the other posts do.

    Wow. LOVE the look, though unless I open it on my 1280×1024 screen, I get that horizontal scroll…. so you might want to tweak that some since a fair proportion of people are using 1024×768 still.

    But very nice – beautiful, in fact. I’d love to have that theme myself – are you the creator?

    Thread Starter jojo0507


    Thanks everyone for the feedback.
    I need some help with how to fix some of the things that came out in the review. I posted in the Themes forum on this site.
    Very grateful for help!

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