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  • Plugin Author James DiGioia


    Thanks for pointing this out. I’m going to release a new version this weekend, so I’ll make sure this fix gets in there.

    Thread Starter Ari Stathopoulos


    awesome, thank you!

    Plugin Author James DiGioia


    Here’s the issue: We’re using the post_type_object properties, as found here:

    Specifically, the object’s Label -> Name property. This property allows us to get the plural name for a particular post type; in the default case, “Posts”, which is translated based on the current WordPress language. We can’t use the post_type slug (which would be “post” in that case), since it’s not plural, and the folder should be “_posts”; we also can’t assume adding an “s” to the end of the post_type makes it plural because English.

    There are filters you can use to set the folder name: wpghs_directory_published and wpghs_directory_published. You can see documentation for the filters here:—-GitHub-Sync

    So you can reset your directory name to whatever you’d like, to ensure it works with the language you’re using. If you have any questions about the filters, let me know.

    The other option is to add an additional conditional, that says if post_type == ‘post’, then we use ‘_posts’, and fall back to the Label -> Name property for non-post post_types. However, this forces everyone to use the English folder names, rather than the WordPress installation language.

    FWIW, I think this should actually go the other way, and translate all of the folder names, which means localizing the _drafts folder as well, and if you need to make sure your installation works with Jekyll, the plugin should be flexible enough to make this possible.

    However, I’m new to dealing with i18n issues, so if you disagree, let me know what you think.

    Thread Starter Ari Stathopoulos


    What if it’s just hard-coded for posts and pages?
    At least for posts which is THE most important thing…
    I assume it would be pretty simple to add a conditional and if the object is referring to posts then use __posts

    Plugin Author James DiGioia


    Plugin Author James DiGioia


    My question is, generally speaking, if you’re a non-English speaker, would you prefer the folders be in your native language, or English? I know you prefer English, but would most?

    Plugin Author James DiGioia


    Latest version no longer translates folder names for default post types.

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