A Cache Away From Sanity
Problem is within WP 4.9.5 using Woocommerce 3.3.5 (latest), installed on 4/3/2018 as a new install from the server installer.
The theme being used is a custom one which until today did not have this problem. Changes were made yesterday to the
woocommerce.php script file. After uploading: the changes were confirmed and approved. Today, with one remaining issue to
deal with, a modified version was uploaded. The site ignored that upload. The theme folder shows the date and time of
upload to be today as 8:55am the previous identical upload was at 6:55 am.The file is not recognized as even being there and a previous version, which literally was one refresh away from perfect
(except the remaining pop up issue) is… showing the bad pop up in action and on other store pages that use the changes
made for that script the missing new styles contained within changed a lot. Frustrating.Woomcommerce database update was performed after a full site back up. Plugins that were not present before yesterday were
disabled and removed. No change. WordPress itself was not updated as it is updated and a reload fo no reason is dumb.All of a sudden this site acts like the 2017 ‘Tipton’ bug from WordPress ( https://www.ads-software.com/search/page+template+bug/?forums=1 )
that I was under the impression was long conquered.And it never happened like this all through build and set up. In fact I have never seen this in 18 years.
So, laying the mess upon the alter: be there anyone who has already overcome this disaster? Any help would be greatly
appreciated, the client is understandably concerned and I may be old but i’m not suffering from.. from.. yeah.. memory loss.The site URL will be sent to anyone here requesting it just please give some form of contact other than public i do not desire
to embarrass a fantastic product company and founder. This is posted in Woocommerce because I do not want to blame
Wordpress for this. Just yet.Thanks
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