• Hello,
    I think that making a chronological list of events could be the better way to describe my problem:

    1) I used Filezilla with wordpress 2.8 for a long time and everything was right
    2) One day, when I tried to open my page, it started to say “Error establishing a database connection”
    3) So I deleted my 2.6 version and “uploaded” the new 3.0.1 vers. into Filezilla.
    4) After this, I edited my wp-config.php file with my database, user, password and host datas (and they’re ALL correct) but I didn’t solved the problem.
    5) In fact, if I go to my webpage https://www.quazzo.comuv.com now I can see just a white page
    6) I tried to type https://www.quazzo.comuv.com/wp-login.php and a page that wants my user and password appears
    7) If I type my user and password on this page I have an error again! Quazzo.comuv.com becomes automatically Quazzo.comuNv.com (with this new “N” between “u” and “v”) and I cannot understand why.

    I actually don’t want to get my blog back because I’m very disappointed with my database server (000webhost) I just want to know how I can recover my posts, if possible. I really really whish that someone could help me.
    Thank you.
    Enzo Santilli.

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  • Joe


    You can take a backup of your MySQL database and set it up at a new host, but I would advise to try fixing the problem first before migrating.

    Most hosting providers have a control panel like cPanel and this includes a feature called PhpMyAdmin – you want to launch that and click on the name of your blog database.

    – Click on the wp_options table
    – from the list, you can locate a field column called option_name and it will say siteurl and next to that in the option_value column it should list your site domain.

    It might be showing something like: Quazzo.comuNv.com

    If it contains the incorrect siteurl value, then you can click on the pencil icon to edit the url and correct it. Save the field and then recheck your site.


    I think you may have somehow changed the wordpress and site url options. The domain of the login page style sheet link is https://quazzo.comunv.com/.

    Add this to your wp-config.php and see if it works:


    As for moving host, you’ll need to export the wordpress database and import it at the new host. I’ve never done it before so I can’t tell you how.



    The suggestion by Joseph to add those 2 lines to wp-config.php should work, as it overrides the siteurl values in the database, allowing you to view your site and login etc so that you can enter the correct url via the WordPress admin control panel – once you have fixed the settings, remember to remove those 2 lines from wp-config.php immediately after.


    Thread Starter Enzo Jesus


    Sorry Joe, I cannot understand were to find this wp_option table.
    Is it into Filezilla? Into my hoster (000webhost)? I’ve found the cPanel and the PhpMyAdmin but I cannot “launch that and click on the name of your blog database“, as you wrote.
    If you want I can give you my account uername and password and you can enter and edit whatever you want. It’s not a problem, to me.
    Joseph, the same is for you (I’m going to try the modifications you seggested, anyway).

    Thread Starter Enzo Jesus


    Sorry Joe, I cannot understand were to find this wp_option table.
    Is it into Filezilla? Into my hoster (000webhost)? I’ve found the cPanel and the PhpMyAdmin but I cannot “launch that and click on the name of your blog database“, as you wrote.
    If you want I can give you my account uername and password and you can enter and edit whatever you want. It’s not a problem, to me.
    Joseph, the same is for you (I’m going to try the modifications you seggested, anyway).

    Hi there, can someone explain what to do if you can’t access the website at all, and are getting a compeletly white page?



    In general, I would be cautious about who you offer your login credentials to as people can damage and destroy your site data.

    An easier option for you may be to try Joseph’s suggestion. You have Filezilla so you should be ok to look inside the root directory of your WordPress installation folder. Locate a file called wp-config.php and edit that in a text editor, what you want to do is, after the opening <?php portion, add this:


    Then save it and check your site. If your site works, login to the admin control panel, and under the Settings menu, update your site url (then you can remove those 2 lines from wp-config.php after that).

    Try that and see if it works, if you still have issues with it you can send me your details in a private message on Facebook via https://www.facebook.com/joenade


    @russet 90% of time when you upgrade one does not the follow steps as recommended,like deactivating plugins,switching to default theme as they may not be compatible with the upgrade.

    Internal server errors (error 500) are often caused by plugin or theme function conflicts, so if you have access to your admin panel, try deactivating all plugins. If you don’t have access to your admin panel, try manually resetting your plugins. If that resolves the issue, reactivate each one individually until you find the cause.

    If that does not resolve the issue, try switching to the Default theme (WordPress 1.5 – 2.9.2) or the Twenty Ten theme (WordPress 3.0 and higher) to rule-out a theme-specific issue. If you don’t have access to your admin panel, access your server via FTP or SFTP, navigate to /wp-content/themes/ and rename the directory of your currently active theme. This will force the Default theme (WordPress 1.5 – 2.9.2) or the Twenty Ten theme (WordPress 3.0 and higher) to activate and hopefully rule-out a theme-specific issue.

    If that does not resolve the issue, it’s possible that a .htaccess rule could be the source of the problem. To check for this, access your server via FTP or SFTP and rename the .htaccess file. If you can’t find a .htaccess file, make sure that you have set your FTP or SFTP client to view invisible files.

    If you weren’t able to resolve the issue by either resetting your plugins and theme or renaming your .htaccess file, we may be able to help, but we’ll need a more detailed error message. Internal server errors are usually described in more detail in the server error log. If you have access to your server error log, generate the error again, note the date and time, then immediately check your server error log for any errors that occurred during that time period. If you don’t have access to your server error log, ask your hosting provider to look for you.


    That reply is very much appreciated. I will certainly try that.

    Thank you.

    Thread Starter Enzo Jesus


    Sooo, here you are what I did and what it happened:
    1) I edited the wp-config.php file and actually I works, I can login and edit my control panel. But when I go to the url setting page i’m not allowed to edit that settings, even If they’re actually correct.
    Here’s a screenshot of what I see:

    2) About the white page: I went to the plugin administration section and a message saying that all plugins are disabled due to the unexistence of a reference file (correct, considering that I upgraded with a new version) appears to me. Then I switched my theme to the base one and I can see the page correctly (correctly, but with a base theme).

    Anyway, troubles starts from the beginning if I delete that two new lines from the wp-connfig.php hile

    Those two lines in wp-config.php forces wordpress to use those URLs instead of getting it from the database, hence the reason why you can’t change it in Settings.

    If you want to remove those two lines then you need to do what Joe said, edit the database manually.

    normally those two lines should not be in wp-config.php you should have have them in settings general and if you can not access your admin can reset them using one of methods here


    Thread Starter Enzo Jesus


    and thank you to everyone for your help.
    I think, anyway, that I’m going to give my login credentials to Joe because I’m not able to find where I can edit my database settings.
    Much, I think that Joe could tell me if there’s anything else wrong by “checking” my account.
    I know that this is not a very intelligent think to do, but I want to trust that Joe will be honest with me.
    I’ll update here abaout everything.

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