Hi @jguz08,
Sorry for the late response , here are answers –
1. Any way to remove the comments from the confessions?
Ans – Yes , right now only admin can remove comments from front end or backend both . When you will logged in as admin , you will see a [x] along with each comment.
2. Users do not need to sign in to dislike or like? I would like to remove this.
Ans – Right now , I made is login required because then user will only able to like or dislike only one time and we will be known who liked or disliked the post .
3. Category shows in box, how do I remove this because I do not have categories.
Ans – In wp-admin , you will find a WP confession Box area there you can see option to add or remove categories and well as hide/show in confessions.
4. Is there a way to show as new post so that I can put it in the sidebar?
Ans – Right now that feature not exist but I will add it to latest version.
Hope this will help.