• I’m really impressed with the plugin. My website is blazing fast now! A couple questions:
    1) Do I have to manually purge the cache every time I make a change?
    2) My website is a membership website with protected content. Will this plugin cause any issues for my logged-in users?

    Thank you for the help!

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  • Plugin Contributor iSaumya


    Hi @worleyrh,

    1) Do I have to manually purge the cache every time I make a change?

    – No. The only time you manually need to purge is when you make changes to your theme settings or update widgets. But when you make changes to your content i.e. post or update it the plugin will automatically purge the cache based on the settings you have selected. Take a look at the screenshot: https://i.imgur.com/tKSO52p.png

    2) My website is a membership website with protected content. Will this plugin cause any issues for my logged-in users?

    – For logged users cache will always be bypassed.

    If you like this plugin, please consider posting a review in the review section. It really helps.

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