A database plugin that doesn't exist yet…?
Hi there,
I’m new to the forums since I managed to find answers to my problems, until now…
I’m looking for a plugin, but I really can’t find it so it seems that it doesn’t exists yet. I hope you guys know if it exists and if so; where to find it. It’s not a problem to pay some money for it.
What am I looking for? A plugin which enables me to
? Create a database in my WP admin panel
? Let me specify which fields I can put in the database
? Lets me edit each field
? Lets me display the value of each field on a pageThat last point is really important. My website will be about events, and I’ll have a page per event. Eventually this will be about 100+ pages. I want to put the information of each event, like ticket price, start date, end date, location etc (in total about 25 fields) in a database. If I get new information about a event I want to update it in the database.
The tricky part is that I would like to display the information of each event on the event page in a widget (I already managed to use shortcode in the text widget by adding a line to the functions.php of my theme). So every row in the database represents one event, and every field in that row is a piece of information about that event. I would like to display the different fields on different parts of the page, so I need to be able to generate a shortcode for each field, unique for each event.
What I’ve found so far is the Contact for 7 to database extension (https://www.ads-software.com/extend/plugins/contact-form-7-to-database-extension/). It meets all my requirements except for one: able to edit the database. There is a plugin available which unlocks this feature, but it costs $ 50. And I would like to double check if there isn’t something around which does the trick for less. Next to that, the shortcode option of this plugin is a bit complicated for managing 100+ pages (although with some hours of work it can be done).
So I hope someone has some suggestions about what to use.
Thanks in advance!
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