a degenerating theme with a few issues ..read on..
Hello.. I have a couple of issues…although the original version is 2.8.2 I have upgraded automatically to 2.9…within the week or so..
The original theme I am using was very good.. now since I have upgraded 2.9 and added new content, new pages, basically just adding links, new pages, a couple of new plug-ins..like SEO.. XMLsitemap, My site is not functioning right..
#1 I have some new and old issues with this Snowblind theme.. These are very recent developments. I was wondering if you can help me..Lately I’ve been getting this .comtag from the tag cloud..
https://moneyonline.affiliatemoneysite1.comtag/money..take a look at the site url .. strange
every time I click on a tag from my tag cloud, Please look at the URL that I listed above. You can see the word TAG is right next to the .com …Don’t know how that got there like that..but every tag comes up that way. this is not good at all.
These issues are all very recent. How do you fix that..?????#2 Every time I click on the highlighted “continued reading” at the end of every post on my theme it comes back saying “page not found” the entire post page is blank..this is strange behavior also.. Before, the page came up really well and highlighted the full post with all its active links and comment box at the bottom of the page.. Not any more, how do you fix that..????
#3 this started to happen to day..I cant believe this..
but take a look at this linkhttps://moneyonline.affiliatemoneysite1.com//https://www.theprofithq.com/cmd.php?af=1089272&u=www.trainmetoblog.com/
there is a black bar that is at the top of the page..on the left it says “Money On line” “page not found” it looks likes its part of the theme, I have no idea how that got there. How do you fix that?
It doesn’t happen to all the pages but it does happen to most of them just go to the site and take a look..#4 Lastly my twitter feed is also screwed up.. If you look at my footer space the twitter widget says
“Warning: file_get_contents() [function.file-get-contents]: URL file-access is disabled in the server configuration in /homepages/26/d282906938/htdocs/WordPress2.8.2/wordpress/wp-content/themes/snowblind/sidebar3.php on line 39”
“Warning: file_get_contents(https://search.twitter.com/search.atom?q=from:&rpp=5) [function.file-get-contents]: failed to open stream: no suitable wrapper could be found in /homepages/26/d282906938/htdocs/WordPress2.8.2/wordpress/wp-content/themes/snowblind/sidebar3.php on line 39”
My hosting service helped me isolate this file to see what line 39 said.. looked normal to us.. so we didn’t do anthing because we didn’t know what to do..
I have no idea how to fix this.. since this is a free theme, there is no support..I have e-mailed the theme composer and I get nothing..
It appears as though these guys and gals make them up for the grabs and after that, your on your own.. I love when they ask for donations.. I dont have to tell you my twist on that is..I’m sure you can read between the lines..Is this the common thread with most of these people or what ?..How freaking inconsiderate..I have politely e-mailed some of these so called theme composers and only one has ever responded.
If I ran my business in that fashion no one would ever call, I pride my own company customer service on a rapid response philosophy..What does a guy do who does not know the technical end of this..Right now I got a broken down theme that I don’t know how to fix..
What would you do..?????Now I was wondering since many of these themes are free..
I was thinking of downloading a fresh 2.9 version and transpose everything to a different theme all together it seems its quicker for me to do that than to wait on some inconsiderate theme jerk composer to get back to you for some resolution..
Any Help or advice would be greatly appreciated..Thanks so much.. and Happy Holidays to all..
I seriously thought this was going to be a better year.. boy!, was I wrong..
the coffeedude
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