• Thank you WP and all involved! I’m a WP convert. I am also a noob hack at best, but I’m trying! Here and here.
    I’m not completely pleased with the WP Links. Or more likely, I don’t fully understand how to use them. I want to include into my site a list of links that relate to my site. I want there to be an easy way to manage the links (import, export, sort, etc.) and a nice way to display the links (unlimited depth folders, tree view, etc.). I want all this to fit into the “shell’/look of WP, but doesn’t need to be accessed from the WP admin interface. If the link page has a back end, a public access view, and can have the same look as my WP site (WP header, menus, footers, etc.), then I’m happy. Any ideas, good solutions, etc?
    I have figured out a way to get Ol’bookmarks to basically do what I want. I have logged the process here. I also looked at Booby, APB Bookmarks, bookmark4u, and Easy Bookmarker. I was able to install ol’bookmarks, Booby and bookmarks4u without any hassle. APB Bookmarks and Easy Bookmarker didn’t install easily for me. So I moved on. I will keep Booby because of it’s other tools. I wish Easy Bookmarker had worked and I may keep working on that one when I have some time because it’s view features on their demo were the best I’ve seen.
    I have a WordPress 1.2 install that is up and running. I split the main index.php into 6 files. Header, tabs, content, menu, left, and footer. Index now ‘includes” all of those files and I can stick the “includes” where I wish to make other pages and aps look like my WP. Thanks to those in the WP support forum who gave the instructions and code for that idea.
    The ol’bookmark mods are as follows (certainly not inclusive, and with no possible or conceivable thought or notion of any culpability on my part, should you follow these instruction. In fact, if you do, you deserve the pain you get. BACKUP, PRAY, DO GOOD DEEDS, and CROSS YOUR FINGERS!)

    • Copy your wp-style.css to the ol’bookmarks/themes/default.css (or the theme you choose).
    • Insert your header include “< ?php include(‘/path/to/header/header.php’) ?>” at the top of the file ol’bookmarks/read/index.php (maybe a title to the page also?)</>
    • In the file ol’bookmarks/lib/libthemes.php. I didn’t like the table header bar so I nuked everything in the first “Menu Bar” between the “< !–MENU BAR START //–>” and “< !–MENU BAR END //–>” comments except the lines that are the responsible for the “main”, “recent”, and “search” links. (Three lines bunched together that all look amazingly similar.)</>
    • It is necessary and good karma to re-include a link to ol’bookmarks that was in the table header that I removed. I still need to do that. ??
    • That should be it. Good luck!

    FYI: I must express my disdain for MS Word and it’s silly punctuation. I comosed this in Word for spelling check, and I just had to go back and fixed all of the lame MS punct :$. Open Office here I come.

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  • Good work!
    i love the way you chose to iconize your categories. very snappy.
    I’m not one for online bookmarking, but this is an elegant solution.
    i still handle links the old fashioned way, but have long been kicking around the idea of an entry perma coded to a sub index links.php where my links would be added with comments about them.
    getting very exhausted by the neverending sidebar’s descent beyond the last entry on the index.
    thanks for this. got me thinkin’

    Thread Starter kayaker


    I forgot to mention that I commented out the “session_start();” line in ol’bookmarks/read/index.php. Otherwize I got an error.

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