• Hi. I believe there are a few things that could be improved on the Tabs and Toggle blocks:

    • The plugin should have an option to convert one into the other and vice-versa. The heading titles and the inner contents should remain, but every other option can be lost on the conversion.
    • The Toggle block should have an option to disable the animation of the content showing off. This may apply (yet is less of an issue) to the animation on the icon that turns in 90 degrees, too.
    • There should be an option to select a Tab to be open by default besides the first one (sometimes a different tab is indeed opened by the default on the published posts, yet I don’t know how to control it)
    • I think the default CSS style of the Tab block is not very clear as fact that the open Tab is darker than the closed ones is confusing, as I’m used to the open tab to be of the same color of its content and the closed tabs to be darker. On Tabs blocks with only two tabs is particularly awkward to handle. Also, the bottom of the open tab should have no border, so the tab and the content looks more unified by being seamlessly of the same color (white by default) This screenshot of the Kandence Blocks plugin illustrates it. Also, in the default style of the Tabs block, the borders should be a bit darker (for better contrast and accessibility issues) and the border of the open Tab should be even more darker.
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