• Hi again imath, im just wondering if and when an updated version of this plugin is going to be released?

    I was also wondering if you could help me with a few things, is it possible when using bc_activity and new post comment posted that it will only show comments of users you are friends with?

    Also is it possible when using shortcode bc_user_groups to also show a notification bubble of how many new updates have been made in the group since you last visited?


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  • Anonymous User 14235950


    Also wondering this

    Sorry i wasn’t able to look at this plugin lately. But as far as i can remember, the possible improvements for it are limited.

    What people might need are specific new shortcodes, and the plugin provides an API to create these shortcodes..

    Or they might need just like you to extend existing shortcodes, and again the plugin provides some hooks to help you achieve it.

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