• Resolved innovatist


    I’m using layers for my dad’s website. I would appreciate some css editing help. The site is johnaudick.com…
    1) How can I remove the categories/blogroll/search from the right panel?

    2) How can I remove the Blog page from the whole site. It is automatically there. There is no blog page but it still shows.

    3) How can I change what shows up in the three columns in the footer? Ideally, there would just be about a half-an-inch gold border with nothing in it?

    4) How can I get the date out from under the “Bio” on the home page (and other pages)?

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  • Thread Starter innovatist


    I’ve solved a few things, but still am wondering how to:

    2) How can I remove the Blog page from the whole site. It is automatically there. There is no blog page but it still shows.

    4) How can I get the date out from under the “Bio” on the home page (and other pages)?

    2) open your theme’s header.php.
    locate the following line:

    <li><a href="<?php echo get_option('home'); ?>/">Blog</a></li>

    remove that line.

    4) Locate the following line in your theme files:

    <div class="date"><abbr class="published updated" title="<?php the_time('Y-m-d\TH:i:s\Z'); ?>"><?php the_time('F jS, Y') ?></abbr></div>

    Remove it.

    That line will be found in multiple files — single.php, search.php, index.php, to name just a few.

    Thread Starter innovatist


    Thanks so much.

    Do you know how I could put in a picture/pdf of a resume, like the one on this site: https://emersontaymor.com/life/index.php ?

    Thread Starter innovatist


    Also, I like the image in the sidebar on the home page, but not on every page (like it is currently).

    Is there a way to may what is in the side bar unique for each pay?

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