a little help
So i have this shortcode
quite a big one. The only part of it that I want to change for each time I use is
id=”yua_mikami” the persons name Is there a way using your app to do that? I think ther is but my old brain cant figure it out . help appreciated[tiktok-feed type=”user” id=”yua_mikami” show_info=”yes” layout=”default” show_profile_photo=”no” show_name=”no” show_username=”yes” show_follow_button=”no” show_tagline=”no” show_stats=”yes” show_following_count=”yes” show_follower_count=”yes” show_likes_count=”yes” show_video_count=”yes” show_videos=”yes” show_in_popup=”yes” allow_download=”yes” allow_nowatermark_download=”yes” allow_music_download=”yes” show_load_more=”yes” use_infinite_scroll=”no” per_page=”1″ video_per_row=”1″ loading_color=”#a83f39″ username_size=”24px” username_color=”#000000″ stats_size=”14px” stats_color=”#000000″ stats_label_color=”rgba(22,24,35,.75)” show_share_buttons=”yes” share_facebook=”yes” share_twitter=”yes” share_tumblr=”no” share_pinterest=”yes” share_linkedin=”no” share_reddit=”no” share_xing=”no” share_whatsapp=”yes” share_vk=”no” share_telegram=”no” share_email=”no” /]
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