• A long post of mine suddenly disappeared yesterday. The whole thing. The post from before and after are there, but not that post. However, if I go to manage posts, I can see it. But if i go to my blog, it’s just not there. At all.

    Does any one know how I can fix this?

    It’s a self-hosted WordPress blog.

    The only plugins I have are: Bad Behavior; CaptCha!; Spam Karma2; WordPress Database Backup. Those are all activated. I also had wp-cache, but I just de-activated it, hoping it would help. It didn’t.

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  • I long post I was editing has disappeared. A message came up asking me if I was sure I wanted to edit the post? I said yes and poof, the long post I was working on disappeared.

    This is not the first time this has happened, so I started saving more often.

    This last time, when I clicked the save and continue publishing button, the message prompt appeared and I knew I was doomed.

    This is a very disheartening problem, after having psent 1.5 hours writing was is now lost.

    If there is any way of retrieving my lost post, I would most certainly like some tips on how I can do this.
    Thank you.

    @cherylr – since the post is in Manage->Post, the first thing I’d do is copy and paste the text somewhere so ‘save it’. Then in Manage Post, can you make sure it is Published and also check the Timestamp? (I realize this response is 4 weeks late, sorry).

    @cyndunsford – is your post availabe in Manage->Post as CherylR described?

    I am having same issue, long posts do not show in site but are fine in Admin.

    Have tried several ideas:
    <–!more–> excerpt shows but when you click read more nothing shows.

    <–!nextpage–> add 3 instances of this tag, post from start to first “nextpage” shows and Pages 1 2 3 shows below but blank pages.
    <?php link_pages('<p><strong>Pages:</strong> ', '</p>', 'number'); ?>
    in the loop.

    Tried commenting out

    function the_content($more_link_text = '(more...)', $stripteaser = 0, $more_file = '') {
    	$content = get_the_content($more_link_text, $stripteaser, $more_file);
    	//$content = apply_filters('the_content', $content);
    	$content = str_replace(']]>', ']]>', $content);
    	echo $content;

    in post-template.php and although it does allow the entire post to show it strips line breaks so content is merged into 1 long paragraph.

    This looks terrible as I am posting daily chat archives that are basically short single sentences.

    Using WP ver 2.3.1
    Try clicking Read more on post here.

    The content of the long post can be viewed as .txt doc here.

    Have switched to default theme, same errors.

    Any ideas on what to try next would be appreciated.

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