• Hi,
    Your plugin has a lot of conflicts with other plugins, when I activate it, easy bootstrap pro and wp pro advertising stops working. With popupmaker I have conflicts too, these are the 50% of plugins that I’ve activated now in the page where I have the todo list.
    I have never seen before , why do you think this is happening? I can’t see js conflicts.



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  • Plugin Author Cindy Kendrick


    Difficult to say. I use WordPress coding standards and have had the code reviewed by other professionals. I haven’t had many other reports of conflicts.

    Thread Starter mundial


    Maybe it’s a coincidence and conflict only happen with the plugins that I’m talking about, but e.g with easy bootstrap pro if you have your plugin activated disappear the content slider completely, when you deactivate cleverness slider appears again, same issue happens with wp pro advertising (disappear banner)…

    Thread Starter mundial


    I’ve been trying to detect the origin of the conflict but the problem is that comes from the php files, it’s not a conflict of css or js. Maybe a conflict between classes??

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