• Moderator Jan Dembowski


    Forum Moderator and Brute Squad

    NOTE: I’m installing and reviewing this plugin because some people complained and I wanted to see what that was about. I don’t use this plugin and do not plan to as I have another paid for plugin that works for me.

    *Install plugin on test installation to see what all the big deal is*

    OK, I’ve connected the plugin to my Dropbox and kicked off a backup to said dropbox account.

    *30 seconds later*

    OK. I have a real problem with this error message.

    Cloudup pl4fnkhcmle

    That reads as follows

    Website “bang.dn7.me” returned an error during operation with return:

    code: 504, text status: error, text: OK
    To solve this problem, we need to access the system logs of your hosting/server and/or from your backup,
    that you tried to create or simply send to us your FTP access data.
    I want to provide your FTP access to resolve this issue quickly:

    SEND TO SUPPORT and close this window Close this window WITHOUT SENDING TO SUPPORT

    I closed the window.

    This is a free plugin. It’s nice that you offer support but it is not at all good that you think that you (the plugin author) should recommend file level access to my (the plugin user and all around support forum nice guy) WordPress installation.

    If you made that recommendation in the support forums then I would caution you to not do that. It’s discouraged and it would be better to work with the users rather than suggesting a shortcut like that.

    *Keeps looking*

    I don’t like your “leave a review” box.

    Cloudup tvitnw0zb3d

    When the user clicks that box they get this link.


    See the ?filter=5 part? That means your user only sees the 5 star reviews. At best that’s disengenous. At worst it’s plain dishonest. Don’t mess with your user’s perceptions, leave the ?filter=5 out of that link.

    *Looks some more*

    Why do you ask users to register on your site? The blue box says

    Free Sign Up
    to backup more than one web page…

    Does that mean only one web page gets backed up? I’ve not yet looked at the plugin code yet but that seems 100% unnecessary. What’s that about?

    *Snaps fingers* Hey, Jan! Focus! Does the backup and restore work?

    I kept getting that error warning on the backup and the restore. The files restored but my posts that I’d deleted for a test did not come back. Since the files are on my dropbox than I should be able to see how successful backing up my test installation was.

    I’ll poke at it for a bit but for now based on this experience I have to rate this plugin as a 2.

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  • Thank you Jan for such a detailed review. I hope the developers will address these concerns.

    Thanks Jan for your post. My concern is the plug-in at first looks like it was developed by Dropbox itself because it uses “Dropbox” in it’s name and also uses the Dropbox logo. The Dropbox legal team should have an issue with this.

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