• Definitely a handy plugin and should be used by everyone — at least once. Just so they can have a look see at how old their plugin versions are.

    Suggestion: give a bit more “oompf” to plugins =>3 years old as they should definitely be updated, replaced or removed.

    By comparing current year to last updated year you could add a class like:

    .date3yr {
    color: #c00
    font-weight: bold;
    border-style: dotted;

    Keep up the good work. ??

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  • Plugin Author Carl Gross


    Hey thanks very much for this.

    >> Suggestion: give a bit more “oompf” to plugins =>3 years old as they should definitely be updated, replaced or removed.

    OK right, thanks for that. Something like that is actually already on the ‘to-do’ list (see here). I was thinking of more like 1 year, rather than 3 years. One year is about the average time between minor updates–right? Thoughts? Why did you choose 3 years?

    And I was thinking of perhaps three colors, like green, orange, and red, to indicate degrees of out-of-date-ness

    Thread Starter Website Rob


    I mentioned 3 yrs. as a starting point as I wasn’t sure if you had already been thinking about this. Glad to hear you are.

    Once you get into 3 colours it can get a bit confusing. After some thought on this, I’m thinking a background colour is the way to go. Easy for you to incorporate and no need for On/Off options.

    1 yr.
    background-color: #fff8e5;

    2 yr.
    background-color: #f56e28;

    Remember that without being to remove these colours, they need to easily seen and only the 2 yr. will be obtrusive. And obtrusive is what a 2 yr. notice should be, urging that something be done with that Plugin.

    The 1 yr. is the same colour already used by WordPress for Update Notification and I’m thinking most people will start to use the new “Auto-updates” feature so it won’t be seen that often. And if it is, it is not that jarring of a colour.

    Hope this helps.

    Thread Starter Website Rob


    Forgot to mention the above colours would be used only for the TD of your Plugin.

    Plugin Author Carl Gross


    Thanks for the discussion–I really appreciate it.

    >> I’m thinking most people will start to use the new “Auto-updates” feature so it won’t be seen that often.

    Actually it didn’t dawn on me, but with that new feature, my plugin will have less utility (although not zero utility).

    >> Forgot to mention the above colours would be used only for the TD of your Plugin.

    Yep, makes sense. That’s what I had in-mind. No need to hijack the entire row.

    >> Once you get into 3 colours it can get a bit confusing.

    Sure, simpler is probably better here.

    >> 1 yr.
    background-color: #fff8e5;
    >> 2 yr.
    background-color: #f56e28;

    So something like this? That works. But just to play devil’s advocate, I thought about a border only. But I’d have to use darker colors (screenshot). Thoughts on that?

    >> Remember that without being to remove these colours, they need to easily seen and only the 2 yr. will be obtrusive. And obtrusive is what a 2 yr. notice should be, urging that something be done with that Plugin.

    OK that’s sound, and I can get behind it–the 2 year notice should be a bit obtrusive.

    What about displaying a color key on the page to let users know what the colors mean? Or maybe an onhover and/or onclick tooltip somewhere (in the column header maybe)?

    Separately, one big limitation of my plugin is that it can monitor only plugins in the WordPress plugin repo. It cannot monitor plugins downloaded from third party sources, e.g. CodeCanyon, or plugins that are only on GitHub, etc. I’ve done some research and it seems like this is just something I’ll have to live with. Would you agree?

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 6 months ago by Carl Gross.
    Thread Starter Website Rob


    Do not be discouraged that your Plugin has a limited shelf life as that applies to the majority. For the next few years, maybe more, your Plugin will play an important part in reminding people to keep “their” Plugins updated. This will help every WordPress site be more secure and probably operate better as well. And I do believe you have “the only Plugin of this type” so Kudos to you for putting it together and providing it for all. ??

    As to your questions, I would think that both, bg color and a border, would create a stronger Call To Action impulse and that is the idea.

    1 yr.
    background-color: #fff8e5;
    border: 1px solid #ddd78e; f4a50f

    2 yr.
    background-color: #f56e28;
    border: 1px solid #f42e19

    Admin -> Plugins – I’m not sure where the Description text comes from but consider using something like:

    Displays “Last Updated” info as provided from one site: www.ads-software.com. Yellow background is 1 yr. Orange background is 2 yrs. Update or Replace as needed.

    That one line covers; what the Plugin does, what site is checked for update info, what the two colours mean and what people should do. Remember also that as time goes by and you get Feedback from people using your Plugin and any new ideas “you” come up with, your Plugin will change, grow and adapt as needed.

    Off topic, it strikes me as odd that on the Plugin page the Description provided by a lot people include the word “Plugin” which is redundant and a waste of characters IMHO.

    Plugin Author Carl Gross


    >> Do not be discouraged that your Plugin has a limited shelf life as that applies to the majority. For the next few years, maybe more, your Plugin will play an important part in reminding people to keep “their” Plugins updated. This will help every WordPress site be more secure and probably operate better as well.

    Gotcha, thanks for that.

    >> And I do believe you have “the only Plugin of this type” so Kudos to you for putting it together and providing it for all. ??

    I did indeed come up with the idea for this plugin on my own. But to be completely up front, I then researched to see if anyone else had done something similar, and found another plugin. But it didn’t appear to be recently modified. I believe my code architecture is quite different from theirs (if I recall, they take an object oriented approach). Also, one of the main reasons I built this plugin was just to get experience building a WordPress plugin from scratch and getting it in the plugin repo. But I’m very glad to hear others are finding it useful.

    >> I’m not sure where the Description text comes from

    It’s in the file header DocBlock for the plugin’s main PHP file, in the ‘Description’ tag.

    >> As to your questions, I would think that both, bg color and a border, would create a stronger Call To Action impulse and that is the idea.

    OK let me play around with those and see how they look–thanks very much.

    >> Displays “Last Updated” info as provided from one site: www.ads-software.com. Yellow background is 1 yr. Orange background is 2 yrs. Update or Replace as needed.

    OK yes, that does indeed kill several birds with one stone. I’ll keep that in-mind and add it when I add the date color highlighting.

    >> Off topic, it strikes me as odd that on the Plugin page the Description provided by a lot people include the word “Plugin” which is redundant and a waste of characters IMHO.

    There’s a finite amount of information to be stored in the universe, and these are taking up unnecessary space ?? All jokes aside, you’re probably right–there’s no need to use the word ‘plugin’ in most of these cases, including mine.

    Thanks very much!

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 6 months ago by Carl Gross.
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