• Hi Tammy,

    I have been testing the plugin last night and just want to make some quick suggestions which I hope will improve the productivity.

    1. First I tried on local server (xampp) and it did not work (error “send some xxxx bytes, header already sent) while online it does work
    2. if I turn on the wp debug mode, i see the following errors

    Undefined index: title in /home3/xxxxx/public_html/xxxx/wp-content/plugins/recipress/php/functions.php on line 94

    Notice: Undefined index: summary in /home3/xxxxx/public_html/xxxxx/wp-content/plugins/recipress/php/functions.php on line 111

    Notice: Undefined variable: new_excerpt in /home3/xxxxx/public_html/xxxxx/wp-content/plugins/recipress/php/functions.php on line 53

    this is may be i am not filling up the title and recipe description fields

    3. add an option to display or not the recipe title (if someone prefers to use only post title)

    4. add an option to show expert or not (if someone wants to use default excerpt)

    5. cuisine /course does not have an option to select multiple items

    6. serving -> some options like serves/numbers/persons

    7. move the add sign (+) to the bottom, if i have a long list of ingredient or steps, i have to scroll up every time

    8. do you have any plan for auto adding the nutrition values?

    hope this will help you to improve



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  • Plugin Author Tammy Hart



    I haven’t yet tested the plugin on a local install, but I appreciate your feedback. The plugin does work if you don’t fill in those fields, so I’m not sure why you’re getting an error. I will look more into this.

    The taxonomy selects only let you choose one option on purpose.

    The servings output is optimized for hRecipe. “6 servings”, is the same as “serves 6 people”. But it’s also future proof for when nutrition information is added.

    Good tip on moving the plus button, I will play with different options there.

    There’s no plan on automatically adding nutritional values at this time.

    Hi Tammy,

    Great plugin!

    Just wanted to mention that with my testing, I noticed that the instruction numbering is not updated if you remove a step within the middle.

    For example, if you have 3 steps defined and you remove step 2 you end up with steps 1 and 3 as the numbers.

    Plugin Author Tammy Hart



    I’m having a bit of trouble getting the numbers to update properly as you move things around. However, they will update properly once you save/update the post. I am continuing to work on a better experience with this.

    I know with a small to do list I played around with, using an ordered list along with the jquery sorting actually updated the numbers nicely. Maybe switch to using an ordered list to output the instruction steps?

    Plugin Author Tammy Hart


    good idea, thanks!

    Although I’m not sure how you’d pull the list item number? It’s more of a visual thing I think?

    Plugin Author Tammy Hart


    the list item number doesn’t get saved as a field, it’s just displayed there as a visual reference. I’ve considered dropping it completely multiple times. I use an ordered list on the output of the recipe.

    Oh I see! So it’s more of a visual reference on the admin side, but you’re looping through the fields and using an ordered list on the output side. I like the idea of having the visual step numbers but because you can move them up/down and add/delete, I think users would know that what they see is the order it would be in. So removing the visual number may be a good idea, unless you figure out a fix for it.

    Plugin Author Tammy Hart


    yeah, I think removing it wouldn’t cause any problems, whereas having them seems to be causing one. Thanks for the input. I plan on putting out an update soon.

    Not a problem. It’s definitely helping me with a future project of mine.

    One other thing I noticed was that when using a screen resolution of 1024×768, and the screen options is using 2 columns, the recipe table ends up overlapping the second column.

    For example, the ingredients and instructions tables break out of the containing box.

    One spelling mistake in case no one mentioned it.

    The “Manage Ingedients” link under the Ingredients table is spelled wrong. Missing an r.

    Plugin Author Tammy Hart


    Yeah, I’m planning on going with % and min/max widths on those, but at some point, it’ll just have to be understood that it won’t go any smaller, of course.

    Thanks for catching that typo!

    I’m glad you like the plugin. It kinda found it’s way on the back burner due to holidays and workload, but I plan on really hitting it hard come January and getting the pro version out. I really appreciate your feedback since it’s impossible for one person to duplicate every user scenario.

    Tammy, is there any way to add the recipe form to the front-end like it is here with Recipe-Press? https://recipepress.net/share-a-recipe.html

    Plugin Author Tammy Hart


    Nope, not yet.

    Hi Tammy,

    Wondering if you could help me with something?

    Instead of hard coding the measurements, I wanted to create a taxonomy for them as well. So I did.

    I’m having trouble getting them to display in the drop down.

    I’ve tried using:

    $measurements = get_terms('measurement');

    But the drop down is blank.

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