Hi Anmari,
Thanks for the tips. Definitely helped me with some ideas. I am still having problems, but don’t want to make the problem worse as I can still operate well enough, though your plugin helps immensely in daily operations.
I am still getting that error. Here is what I have tried.
1) https://www.ads-software.com/support/topic/rebuild-cache-fails-when-caching-huge-list
if ( ! defined( ‘WP_MAX_MEMORY_LIMIT’ ) ) {
define( ‘WP_MAX_MEMORY_LIMIT’, ‘xxxM’ );
I went from 40 to 64 memory there. I see the change on the About screen. I am on a shared server with Midphase – support over there added a php.ini file with some added memory there in the public_html directory. Not sure if they have to match, but expect the php.ini is the overlord. Anyway, the about screen now shows 64. Same error.
2) I did look at the myPhpAdmin databased and they looked fine at a glance. I do have a lot of users (12k) and was able to export some with times to help me ID some I can delete. I would like to avoid that and since I have more memory now, figured I might be able to get running again and try the User Last Login Plugin going forward to remove dead users. But that will take a while and it a bit rough cut anyway. Still erroring so….
3) Tried deactivating/reactivating the plugin. Didn’t seem to help.
I have exported my reports for AMR, so I expect I could uninstall the plugin and add it from scratch. Think that might reset things?
I do have a lot of users, but am hesitant to go that way unless I have to (and frankly, given the memory increase and the nature of this error, not sure that would really help).
Mind if I ask your advice given the above and your experience? In any case, hope this dialogues helps someone else too. Though, clearly would be better info if I actually get it solved.
Thanks again for the plugin and your speedy response.
This is what I am working on – DAC
Cloud Desktop