• ibro87


    PeepSo support does not seem to exist on WordPress. And whatever you ask them on their official channel, they say they do not provide support for free products beyond their online documentation and YouTube channel.

    I asked them two very simple questions I obviously could not find in their documentation, like whether their plugin has a shortcode for VIP icons and what meta-names for country and gender their plugin is using so I can overwrite them with Profile Builder plugin. They could not answer these simple questions which makes me think they are not familiar enough with their product and they only want you to buy their paid bundle. I guess their support would be the same even with the paid bundle so you should better stay away from them.

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  • Plugin Author PeepSo, Inc.



    Sorry you feel that way. I went back and reviewed the tickets you opened with us, that’s 3 in total. Even though we clearly state that support for free plugins is provided through documentation, videos etc. our team has gone above and beyond trying to help you. You seem to be forgetting that part. If you’d like we can publicly release all of the contents of these three opened tickets and people here can judge by themselves whether we did a good job or not.

    Thread Starter ibro87



    I asked for help on WordPress forum more than 2 weeks ago and you never replied. I got your attention in less than 24 hours after leaving a negative review. This is very interesting.

    Like I said, whatever I asked you, you kept pushing me to buy your paid bundle in every single message in order to get your help. The only thing you really helped me with for FREE was the conflict with DooPlay theme on your side which shouldn’t be there anyway so thank you for making your plugin usable. For everything else I had to wait for days (sometimes even weeks) to get your help. In most cases, I had to figure out most of the things myself at the end either because you are not providing support for FREE products or your documentation isn’t complete.

    I think that your negative reviews not only on WordPress but also on Trustpilot speaks for itself but please do share all the help you’ve provided so far including waiting time on tickets and let’s people judge if this is the right way to threat your users or not. Thank you!

    Plugin Author PeepSo, Inc.


    Please note that we do not offer support via the WordPress forum, and this has always been our policy. This is clearly communicated in the first pinned post.

    Regarding your review, we responded promptly as we receive notifications for such feedback. It’s also worth mentioning that the majority of our reviews are positive, which we believe accurately reflects the quality of our service.

    Sorry you feel the way you do.

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