ondemandretirement: I perhaps mis-spoke. My web server people tried many restores going back a long time without success and gave me a $300 option for a service that tracks down code problems that cause problems like this. THEY couldn’t/didn’t find anything they could fix so the “solution” was just to remove the damned plugin—-move ALL of my video to an Amazon S3 account….and re-link/re-design the web site to use S3 instead of Google Drive since there appears to be NO WAY for a WordPress site to retrieve video from Google Drive. I find myself constantly amazed at how large organizations and large platforms, such as WordPress, can’t control their own systems. WordPress for instance gives us links to plugins to perform different functions on their platform…..but they do so without apparently bothering to test the damned things. With such a broad base…I thought they could be trusted…I was wrong. With that understanding….the suggestion above me that we not talk to each other to share these problems but email WordPress, who allowed this to happen in the first place, is just plain stupid. If you are the victim of fraud or a scam like this one you don’t ask the people that allowed it to fix it…hell….they’re making money from it….you warn others so they can make informed decisions to protect themselves.