• Sorry to say, I′m angry and that′s not funny anymore and now i′m a little bit fed up.

    The latest update (2.0.23) is flooding my cronjobs, and i have to delete all of them piece by piece by hand. The updated Plugin writing nearly every 1 second a new cronjob, guess what the server did – it died. Imagine nearly 3 hours passed since the update and the surprising discovery, and that′s last but not least not the only domain I have to administrate.

    Only solution, up to now, revert to prior version. And to all the others, look into the logs to verifiy it′s not happening to you. For the unlucky out there the plugin “what′s in cron” will show you all active crons and the plugin “crontrol” will help to delete them.

    Have a good day!


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  • @kazuo Arakaki

    However, for this process to work well it needs the participation of all kinds of users – both positive and negative.

    I don’t think so. There’re two kinds of users who are fatal to every working eco system: Fanboys and “The roof is on fire!”-users.

    Both are inadequately loud in comparison to other users. Fanboys kill everything as they don’t allow any criticism. And panic users kill an ecosystem as a whole when they start running around telling everybody that “it’s crap!”. Remember “TimThumb”? There has been one security leak which was fixed in a day. But the panic users have been that loud that there’re major market places out there still forbidding it’s usage.

    Constructive criticism is one thing. Expressing negative feelings for something that is under the users responsibility another thing.

    Nevertheless the distribution of bad software is not a good thing.

    Now where can you see bad software in here? I can’t. I can see a bug that is being cared about. Like there is in each software.

    Thank you!

    That is not the way WP cron works.
    plugin owner: Please read the Codex.


    I also have a hostgator account that was blocked due to this problem (I think).

    The logs they sent me looked like this, over and over..


    Does anyone know if this problem was fixed in the recent 10/21/13 update (v2.0.33) or do we still need to comment out the lines in the plugin?

    Not real good with this stuff, so thanks very much for any help.

    kslagerman, I can help you with this, if you haven’t already got an answer, because I just had this same problem happen to me on two sites.

    Here’s what is going on. NextGen version 2.0.23 had a bug that created thousands of extra cron jobs. Even if you upgrade to 2.0.33, it doesn’t delete those extra cron jobs. Literally you have enough crons to run once per SECOND, forever. No wonder HostGator shut your site down.

    Here is how to fix it (this assumes you have upgraded to 2.0.33 or other current version… if not, do that first… then:)

    1) Deactivate NextGen Gallery (don’t delete, just deactivate).
    2) Install the Plugin FFF Cron Manager.
    3) Click on Cron Manager (toward the bottom of the WordPress Dashboard left-side menu).
    4) Delete ALL of the ngg_delete_expired_transients crons. I am guessing you’ll find thousands of them. You can use the “check all” feature to check all crons, then uncheck other non-ngg crons, then hit delete. It will take several minutes.
    5) When all ngg_delete_expired_transients crons are deleted, then you can re-activate the NextGen plugin.

    I have submitted a bug report to NextGen today, explaining that when we upgrade NextGen it should look for these extra crons and remove them, or warn you about it or something.

    – Scott

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