If you can find a way to chang the language in phpbb from a http address this would be useful as i would not need 2 forums.
Hello, You do not need two forums for this reason of course!
This can be achieved in several ways, but maybe the best would be: if an user use WP in French as on profile this is the setting, than phpBB profile is updated to French. And the opposite. But via db values changes.
Differently, in phpBB we can’t know what is the language used by the user, in WP_w3all we are only on WP side.
you could use a cookie to resolve this: releasing a cookie in WP, or passing something via $_GET to phpBB, or something else, so you’ll get it in phpBB and setup related lang for the user. But it is a bad way.
Both require code additions on phpBB side, or, i do not know if passing a var via $_GET or Cookie, phpBB will process by default this var and switch to lang by default because there is native phpBB code about this, i should check but, i think no, so this is a bad way to resolve.
I will install the french lang to see how the thing work about lang in phpBB and let you know what about as soon i can. Language switch, will be as scheduled, a feature on WP_w3all.
This reply was modified 8 years, 2 months ago by