• I want to make my “Featured Images” on each blog post to be clickable, going to a URL that I specify on a per-post basis. I can assign a URL to every image in a post except for the Featured Image, so technically I could solve this problem by removing the Featured Images and making them the first image of each blog post, at the very top. The problem with that is I would mess up anything that pulls an image from the Featured Image, such as some Sharing buttons and other things too. So I want to continue using the Featured Image on each blog post, but assign a link/URL sot that when people click the Featured Image, they go somewhere. Right now I can see, via heat maps, that they are clicking on the Featured Images a lot, but of course nothing happens when they do. I want something to happen.

    If my Featured Image is a screenshot of the iTunes Store I want the user to be able to click that image and be taken to the store. For example.

    So, I would need a place to type in a URL for the Featured Image on each post, and also of course it would have to wrap itself around the Featured Image, creating the clickable link.

    I tried to find a plug-in to do this but was unsuccessful.

    Thank you Carolina!

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  • Theme Author Carolina Nymark


    While this is possible, it would require changing both the post meta and the code that presents the image.
    The problem with post meta is that if you switch themes, it is *poof* gone, and you wouldn’t be able to use the links with the next theme (not without re-adding them). So I would recommend that you keep looking for a plugin.

    Thread Starter christianboyce


    I’m looking! So far nothing… seems like an obvious thing to want. Maybe I’m better off placing the image that is “Featured Image” into the body of the post and dealing with the consequences of not having Featured Images.

    Thanks for the explanation. Especially liked the “poof.” ??

    Theme Author Carolina Nymark


    Both the blog index, portfolio, single page and single post publishes the featured image.
    It is first shown at the top of the post on the blog index, and then at the top of the post on single view (or in the header). That is what makes it “featured” for this theme.

    To remove it and only use it with plugins, you need to remove

    It is found in the following files:

       19  		if( !aaron_get_meta( 'aaron_show_header' ) || !aaron_get_meta( 'aaron_featured_image_header' ) ){
       20  			if ( has_post_thumbnail()){
       21: 				the_post_thumbnail();
       22  			}
       23  		}
       14  		if ( has_post_thumbnail()){
       15: 			the_post_thumbnail();
       16  		}
       21  		if( !aaron_get_meta( 'aaron_show_header' ) || !aaron_get_meta( 'aaron_featured_image_header' ) ){
       22  			if ( has_post_thumbnail()){
       23: 				the_post_thumbnail();
       24  			}
       25  		}
       22  				if ( has_post_thumbnail()){
       23: 					the_post_thumbnail();
       24  				}

    Thread Starter christianboyce


    Thank you–

    I found a plug-in that lets me add a custom field to each post.


    The field will contain the URL I want to go to when I click the featured image. The explanation of how to get the URL connected to the Featured Image is on this page:


    I can see, by what you’ve written above, that the new code will not go into pages.php. The code seems to be this:

    <?php $name = get_post_meta($post->ID, 'ExternalUrl', true);
    if( $name ) { ?>
    <a>"><?php the_post_thumbnail(); ?></a>
    <?php } else {
    } ?>

    I think I only need to change the code in content.php but I’m not quite sure how to do it. I think I have to replace the_post_thumbnail in line 23 with “most” of what is in the new code… but when I did it, I got a blank page. Can you help me with this?


    Theme Author Carolina Nymark


    It depends where you want the link, on the listing with all the posts, or in single view? Do you want them to open in the same window or a new tab?

    Thread Starter christianboyce


    Oooh, I get choices? ??

    Ideally, I would want the link to work when looking at a single post. I don’t need it to work when looking at a listing. In fact, I’d rather it didn’t.

    I like opening a new tab (or window) with the link. I imagine I can figure that out– target=_new or something like that.

    Theme Author Carolina Nymark



    The code that you posted last week is not complete, that is why the page goes white. It needs to go in content-page.php and content-single.php.
    Replace the current code for the thumbnail, inside the php tags that are already in place, above the_content().

    The forum filters the code, I’ll add the full pages to github instead:


    hi Guys

    Is it possible to make the first text in the template is smaller and if so, how?

    I hope you understand my english, im from switzerland.

    Theme Author Carolina Nymark


    Hi, please post your request in a new post since it is a different question ??
    Please specify the name of the template, or did you mean post or page?

    Thread Starter christianboyce


    Thank you– I still haven’t gotten it to work but I know it’s just a matter of being extra careful. Somehow I am missing a parenthesis or a semicolon or something. I’ll figure it out. Thanks for the code!

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