Does this mean that when someone registers on my wordpress site, they are automatically counted as a subscriber, even if they don’t intentionally subscribe to a list?
I don’t think you actually care if they are “counted” as a subscriber; the way I read it, you are wondering if they are going to get your newsletters, even though the didn’t subscribe, yes?
In my other post to you, I mentioned a “Bonus List” — when you go to send your first newsletter, you’ll see it in the Send To List options. You’ll be able to choose to send your newsletter to everybody subscribed to Category 1, everybody subscribed to Category 2, everybody subscribed to Category 3, and/or everybody who is signed up as a WordPress User. The “and/or” is important. You can choose Category 1 and Category 3 or Category 2 and WordPress Users. Entirely in your control. So, no, those who sign up as WP Users will not automatically be emailed.
Also, if a wordpress user subscribes to a list, does he count twice (once in one list, and once in the wordpress users list)?
I don’t know. It seems, as thoughtfully written as the plugin is, that it would NOT send multiple times to the same email, but I haven’t confirmed this.
That said, if you don’t ever send to your WP Users, then this isn’t a problem for you.
If you ARE going to send to your WP Users, then I suggest you sign up as a Subscriber to Category 1 using the same email address as you use for your WP login/user account and create a test newsletter, send it to Category 1 List and WP Users List, and see what happens.
Okay … as I’m typing this, I realize this is a really good question, and I need to know how that works too. I did it, and it did NOT send two emails to the email address that was both on a list and used for a WP subscriber account. You should test it for your site, to be sure.
Also, if a wordpress user subscribes to a list, does he count twice (once in one list, and once in the wordpress users list)?
“Count” where? And why does it matter (just curious)?
If you got the 2000/20002 info from the MailPoet website, then I say the WP subscriber counts once. And that, by the way, seems to be a way around the 2000 subscriber cap, although that doesn’t really matter to me. I’ll go pro when I get that big!!
An error occurred. Show more details.
Error Sending Message 5 Minute User Guide to xxxxx | DATA not accepted from server 554 Message rejected: Email address is not verified.
Error 554 is an email authentication error. I would try changing the email settings in the Settings of MailPoet and see if you can get that to clear.