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  • Question: is there any way to have BOTH Secure Contact Form AND ‘Publicize and ‘Sharing’ working properly together?

    Answer: I do not know, maybe you could post about this problem in the JetPack forum. JetPack is causing this problem by the way.

    Right, I’ll post my question to JetPack forum too.

    luisserrano wrote: “Same for me here. I have both plugin working together now.”

    I am asking:
    Using which solution?

    1) the “insert this line after:
    ‘si-contact-form/si-contact-form.php’, // Fast Secure Contact Form”


    2) the ” disable Jetpack open graph tags” ?

    Now is JetPack ‘Publicize and ‘Sharing’ module working properly?


    Related thread. The JetPack authors might try to fix it.

    OK, I know more now…
    The problem is caused by my plugin. It is something I can try to fix.
    The form POST action in my plugin is being processed at the same time the page content prints from the shortcode. I designed that part wrong.

    Shortcode is not supposed to handle form processing logic. The form needs to process earlier on during WP init, separate from the time the page content prints from the shortcode.

    This plugin has so many features it will take me quite some time to rearrange all the code properly. I started working on it, but do not know for sure when it will be fixed. Maybe even have to wait for version 4.0

    I made great progress getting this fixed version working already. I have to test it well to be sure I did not break any features .

    Will some of you help me test if it fixes the redirect problems?
    I can have a test version ready in a day or two

    Sure Mike, I’m willing to test your beta as soon as you release it.
    Best wishes.

    I might have this new version ready tonight for testing.
    I just want to make sure it is then compatible with JetPack and SCF Like.
    Since I do not use those plugins I am not able to test them myself.
    If anybody can test it with JetPack and/or SCF Like. Contact me here and I can email you 3 PHP files to upload to your plugins/si-contact-form. folder

    The new version is ready to test. I just need a couple testers.

    I just want to make sure it is now compatible with JetPack and SCF Like.
    Since I do not use those plugins I am not able to test them myself.
    If anybody can test it with JetPack and/or SCF Like. Contact me here and I can email you 4 PHP files to upload to your plugins/si-contact-form. folder

    Hi all,

    I’ve removed that line 'si-contact-form/si-contact-form.php', // Fast Secure Contact Form from jetpack.php file and updated FSCF plugin to version

    * We don’t use ‘Sharing’ module of JetPack in our site.

    Now FSCF is working fine as you can see at

    Thank you Mike!!!

    FSCF plugin version resolved the problem

    Hi all,

    Is this still in testing mode? I have version of FS Contact Form. The redirect is not redirecting yet as I’m watching it right now and my client said that it took her 5 minutes. I don’t use jetpack and am not on I don’t recalling having a redirect issue in the past with FS Contact Form… at least not this long of a redirect. What could be causing this?

    The problems of this topic were resolved as of of FS Contact Form.
    Please post a new topic for the problem you have

    Ok. Will do. Thank you for the quick reply!

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