• Resolved amandahovman



    I’ve recently managed to clear out my problems with blurry featured images by changing the “set_post_thumbnail_size” in the functions.php theme editor folder.

    Thereafter I used the plugin “regenerate thumbnails” in order to activate the changes.

    This worked.

    However, after completing the above changes, I realized that the image in the “about me” widget was blurry… Before fiddling around the functions.php folder the image was sharp.

    How can I make the image sharp again?

    I’ve tried using different sized of the image, like 200×200 pixels and 1664×1664 pixels, but none of it works.

    Thanks in advance!

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Hi there,
    It looks quite sharp on my end, perhaps you are using a retina screen? If yes, can you can use this plugin https://www.ads-software.com/plugins/simple-image-sizes/ change the 200×200 image size of the About us thumbnail to 400×400. Then use a 400×400 image instead.
    Let me know if this worked for you.

    Thread Starter amandahovman


    It worked, thank you!

    Furthermore I’ve found that when I tap on a picture in, let’s say a post, it sort of opens twice?
    It appears that I opens a larger image of the image I tapped and on top of this larger image, it opens another image.

    Can you help med with this? Or should I make a new support topic? (If so, how can I explain this in a better way? ?? )

    Hi there,
    Glad I could help!
    I think you have multiple Lightboxes installed. Search for a plugin that might have a lightbox functionality and disable it or directly remove lightbox from the theme (not recommended) by opening in /js/ folder and removing

    	$( ".ci-lightbox, a[data-lightbox^='gal']" ).magnificPopup({
    		type: 'image',
    		mainClass: 'mfp-with-zoom',
    		gallery: {
    			enabled: true
    		zoom: {
    			enabled: true
    	} );

    from inside. Beware though, If you decide to proceed with this modification I would suggest you create a child theme, copy over the files you are editing and make the modifications there. This will allow your changes to survive future theme updates. If you directly edit the theme’s files, all changes will be lost once you update.

    Have a look at this guide to learn more about child themes and how to create one https://www.cssigniter.com/ignite/beginners-guide-child-themes/

    Let me know if you need additional help on this.

    Thread Starter amandahovman


    It worked! Thank you so so much!!!

    That’s great. If you need additional help with anything, feel free to get in touch and I will be there for you.

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 5 months ago by Fotis.
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