• Resolved boomer16


    every page shows my about post. Is there a way to not have it show on every page? I thought the about was just one page- used to WYSIWYG web building (no code). site is https://boomersberg.com If its an add widget or plugin I can handle or if someone can give the specific code and place to insert in Editor area. Otherwise I will be lost. Newbie-Newbie- nauseatingly new to wordpress.

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  • I can help you, but I need you to be a little more specific. I don’t see anything that repeats on any of the sites pages?

    Thread Starter boomer16


    tommycopeland – when you click on the menu item for blog posts you will see the about info come up, (or at least I do) then again when you go to each individual post the about is under every post. https://boomersberg.com/?author=1

    Gotcha. You’re “blog posts” page is an author archive page. Here’s what you should do:
    1. create a new blank page called “blog”.
    2. click on “menus” under appearance, and create a new menu called “main nav”. Then, add the menu label names and the links to create a custom, top level menu list by using the left-hand column. Add a home, blog, and whatever other tabs you want to the menu. click save menu, and then on the left hand side under primary navigation, select your new menu.
    3. Refresh your site. If done correctly, you should see that your main navigation is there.
    4. click on “reading” under “settings” from the dashboard. Select the option under “front page displays” as “a static page”. Choose the page you want for your homepage, and for the blog posts, choose the page you created called (blog).
    That should do it, and you’ve got a fancy new nav bar to boot!

    Thread Starter boomer16


    OK – well then- I could actually follow your directions and yea me- I did it. Being so totally dumb about wordpress it is taking me weeks to get the smallest thing done. Reading and TRYING to understand tech lingo and then horrified of tearing down everything I have done so far. I have backed up though, but to restore would be another screaming chapter in my not so wonderful life right now. Thank you Thank you.

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