• Hi
    My domain karnoscircus.co.uk redirects to a facebook page at the moment so I cant access wp-admin using the normal url – karnoscircus.co.uk/wp-admin.php I would like to create a reasonable looking site before I change the redirect so is there any way I can use a ‘file path’ using the ip address to access the admin. I’m using Hostgator to host the site.

    All suggestions gratefully received.

    many thanks

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  • This is feasible but you will have to do a little work on your computer to tell it to look at the HostGator site (not the facebook site)

    According to the HostGator nameserver, your domain is hosted at (per this tool using ns1.hostgator.com as the Server).

    If you edit your hosts file to associate this IP address with your domain, your computer will think that the domain is at the new location (THIS MEANS YOU WON’T BE ABLE TO ACCESS YOUR FACEBOOK page via the url until you undo the host file edit) but you’ll have full access to your WordPress site without letting the rest of the world see the site.

    Editing your hosts file:
    Windows 7 & Vista
    Windows XP

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