First of all, I appreciate the simplicity WPForms offer for setting up and initiating a website form. However, there seems to be a few accessibility issues that I have come across that was flagged by
First one is a multiple forms label error. This seems to be due to two label tags pointing towards the same id, wpforms-895-field_0. This seems to only be an issue when “First Last” format is chosen for the Name field. If it is changed to “Simple”, the alert goes away.
<div class="wpforms-field-container"> <div id="wpforms-895-field_0-container" class="wpforms-field wpforms-field-name" data-field-id="0"> <label class="wpforms-field-label" for="wpforms-895-field_0"> Name 名前 <span class="wpforms-required-label"> * </span> </label> <div class="wpforms-field-row wpforms-field-medium"> <div class="wpforms-field-row-block wpforms-first wpforms-one-half"> <input type="text" id="wpforms-895-field_0" class="wpforms-field-name-first wpforms-field-required" name="wpforms[fields][0][first]" required=""> <label for="wpforms-895-field_0" class="wpforms-field-sublabel after "> First </label> </div> <div class="wpforms-field-row-block wpforms-one-half"> <input type="text" id="wpforms-895-field_0-last" class="wpforms-field-name-last wpforms-field-required" name="wpforms[fields][0][last]" required=""> <label for="wpforms-895-field_0-last" class="wpforms-field-sublabel after "> Last </label> </div> </div>
The second one is a missing label error.
<span class="wpa_hidden_field" style="display:none;height:0;width:0;"> <input type="text" name="rtgskc3295" value="448247"> </span>
Then finally there is an alert regarding the use of ‘<noscript>’, stating:
‘<noscript>’ cannot be used to provide an accessible version of inaccessible scripted content.
Though these do not affect the general use of your plugin, it may affect those with certain disabilities.
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