• Hello,

    I have a working WordPress Gutenberg Block project which uses nested blocks. I’m trying to rewrite the javascript save function in PHP to create a dynamic block.

    I’ve modified the PHP file to include the following:

    function render_html($attributes) {
        ob_start(); ?>
          <h3>The number of columns is <?php echo esc_html($attributes['myColumns']) ?>!</h3>
          <?php return ob_get_clean();
    function cards_init() {
       register_block_type_from_metadata( __DIR__, array(
           'render_callback' => 'render_html'
       ) );
    add_action( 'init', 'cards_init' );

    This displays the top level attributes correctly (just one value):

    C:\Users\Steve\Local Sites\netmonics6\app\public\wp-content\plugins\cards\cards.php:32:
    array (size=1)
      'myColumns' => int 3
    The number of columns is 3!

    I’m just wondering how I access the attributes for the nested blocks?

    I’ve used Innerblocks in the main edit.js as follows to enable a nested block:


    Does anyone please have any ideas?

    Best Regards,


    • This topic was modified 2 years, 10 months ago by Steve.

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

Viewing 8 replies - 1 through 8 (of 8 total)
  • Thread Starter Steve


    I was just reading this:

    It says that the save function should return null, so I’ve changed it as follows:

    export default function save({ attributes }) {
    	return null;

    It also says:
    If you are using InnerBlocks in a dynamic block you will need to save the InnerBlocks in the save callback function using <InnerBlocks.Content/>

    I assume this means in the PHP callback function, in my case from the code above that would be inside the ‘render_html()’ function. Just don’t know how to apply <InnerBlocks.Content/> to that function.

    Anyone got any ideas? No idea if this would make the attributes accessible though.


    Thread Starter Steve


    Does it perhaps mean:

    save: () => {
          return <InnerBlocks.Content />

    I’ve tried this and it doesn’t make any difference to the attributes, I only get the top level not the attributes from the innerblocks.

    Thread Starter Steve


    Thank you to @dranand220 for replying to me, I received an email but can’t see any way to respond in this thread.

    Thread Starter Steve


    I’ve tried modifying the function to include the $content variable:

    function render_html($attributes, $content) {
    	ob_start(); ?>
     	  <h1>Attributes<?php echo esc_html(var_dump($attributes)) ?>!</h3>
     	  <h3>The number of columns is <?php echo esc_html($attributes['myColumns']) ?>!</h3>
    	   <h2>The content is:</h2><p><?php echo esc_html($content) ?>!</p>
    	   <h2>The content is </h2><p><?php echo esc_html(get_the_content()) ?>!</p>
    	   <h2>The content is </h2><p><?php echo var_dump(parse_blocks( get_the_content() )) ?>!</p>
    	   return ob_get_clean();

    But I don’t see the attributes in the output.

    I’ve defined the attributes as follows:

    attributes: {
    		name: {
    			type: 'string',
    		bio: {
    			type: 'string',
    		id: {
    			type: 'number',
    		alt: {
    			type: 'string',
    			default: '',
    		url: {
    			type: 'string',
    		description: {
    			type: 'string',

    So as I don’t use the source as ‘html’ I thought that meant the values would be stored separately in a JSON block.

    I’m stuck for what to try next. Can anyone please help?

    If my question isn’t clear, please let me know, I can try to clarify my explanations.

    Best Regards,


    Thread Starter Steve



    I’ve solved this problem now, in case anyone is interested, this is what I did:

    1) I removed source/query etc. from the attributes so that the attributes would not be stored in the html but as JSON in the comments of the block’s content.

    2) I changed the top level save function to return the innerblock as follows:

    import { InnerBlocks } from ‘@wordpress/block-editor’;

    export default function save() {
    return <InnerBlocks.Content />;

    3) I changed the inner block’s save to return null:
    export default function Save() { return null; }

    4) I changed the PHP as follows, the comments explain what’s going on (I hope):

     * Plugin Name:       Cards
     * Description:       A generic cards block
     * Requires at least: 5.9.3
     * Requires PHP:      7.0
     * Version:           0.1.0
     * Author:            Stephen Bugden
     * License:           GPL-2.0-or-later
     * License URI:       https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html
     * Text Domain:       generic-cards
     * @package           netmonics
    function render_html($attributes, $content, $post) {
        $post = get_post($post_id);
    // = parse_blocks($post->post_content);
        ob_start(); ?>
            <!-- <h1>Attributes<?php echo esc_html(var_dump($attributes)) ?>!</h3>
            <h3>The number of columns is <?php echo esc_html($attributes['myColumns']) ?>!</h3>
            <h2>The content is:</h2><p><?php echo esc_html($content) ?>!</p>
            <h2>The content is </h2><p><?php echo esc_html(get_the_content()) ?>!</p>
            <h2>The content is </h2><p><?php echo var_dump(parse_blocks( get_the_content() )) ?>!</p>       
            <h2>The post is </h2><p><?php echo var_dump($post) ?>!</p>             -->
            <!-- Write out the block's content -->
            <h2>The content is </h2><p><?php echo esc_html(get_the_content()) ?>!</p>
            // $parsed_blocks = parse_blocks($post->post_content);
            // echo '<pre><h2>parsed blocks </h2>';
            // print_r($content);
            // echo '</pre>';
        //Load the block's content
        $dom1 = new DOMDocument;
        $xpath1 = new DOMXpath($dom1);
        echo "<h1>Comments</h1>";
        //Get the comments
        $comments = $xpath1->query('.//comment()', $dom1);
        //Filter out the the comments for the InnerBlocks
        $commentPrefix = "wp:netmonics/generic-card {";
        $JSON = "";
        foreach($comments as $comment){
            if (substr( trim($comment->nodeValue.PHP_EOL), 0, strlen($commentPrefix) ) === $commentPrefix) {
                //Add a comma to the end of each line except for the last line
                if ($JSON !== "") {
                    $JSON = $JSON . ",";
                //Retrieve the JSON from the comment
                $JSON .= substr( $comment->nodeValue.PHP_EOL,strlen($commentPrefix), strlen($comment->nodeValue.PHP_EOL) - strlen($commentPrefix) - 3 );
        //Create an array for the details
        $JSON = '{"card-details": [' . $JSON . ']}';
        echo $JSON;
        //Create a JSON object from the JSON string
        $decoded_json = json_decode($JSON, true);
        $cardDetails = $decoded_json['card-details'];
        echo "<br><br>";
        //Loop through the JSON write out the details.
        foreach($cardDetails as $cardDetail) {
            echo 'Name: ' . $cardDetail['name'] . "<br>";
            echo 'Bio: ' . $cardDetail['bio'] . "<br>";
            echo 'Description: ' . $cardDetail['description'] . "<br>";
            $socialLinks = $cardDetail['socialLinks'];
            if (!is_null($socialLinks))
                if (!empty($socialLinks)) {
                    // list is not empty.
                    echo "<br>";
                    foreach($socialLinks as $socialLink)
                            echo '&nbsp;&nbsp;icon:' . $socialLink['icon'] . "<br>";
                            echo '&nbsp;&nbsp;link:' . $socialLink['link'] . "<br>";
                            echo "<br>";
            echo "<br>";
        return ob_get_clean();
    function cards_init() {
       register_block_type_from_metadata( __DIR__, array(
           'render_callback' => 'render_html'
       ) );
    add_action( 'init', 'cards_init' );

    See the content contains the JSON for the innerblocks:

    The content is

    <!– wp:block {"ref":4939} /–> <!– wp:block {"ref":6275} /–> <!– wp:kadence/rowlayout {"uniqueID":"_0bfc30-08","columns":1,"colLayout":"equal","inheritMaxWidth":true} –> <div class="wp-block-kadence-rowlayout alignnone"><div id="kt-layout-id_0bfc30-08" class="kt-row-layout-inner kt-layout-id_0bfc30-08"><div class="kt-row-column-wrap kt-has-1-columns kt-gutter-default kt-v-gutter-default kt-row-valign-top kt-row-layout-equal kt-tab-layout-inherit kt-m-colapse-left-to-right kt-mobile-layout-row kb-theme-content-width"><!– wp:kadence/column {"uniqueID":"_3ab532-7c"} –> <div class="wp-block-kadence-column inner-column-1 kadence-column_3ab532-7c"><div class="kt-inside-inner-col"><!– wp:netmonics/generic-cards –> <!– wp:netmonics/generic-card {"name":"Phil","bio":"bio","id":10676,"url":"https://netmonics6.local/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/Phil-14.jpg","socialLinks":[{"icon":"facebook","link":"https://facebook.com"},{"icon":"twitter","link":"https://twitter.com"}]} /–> <!– wp:netmonics/generic-card {"name":"Robert","bio":"bio","id":10679,"url":"https://netmonics6.local/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/Robert-8.jpg"} /–> <!– wp:netmonics/generic-card {"name":"Steve","bio":"bio","id":10680,"url":"https://netmonics6.local/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/Steve-Not-Despeckled-4.jpg"} /–> <!– /wp:netmonics/generic-cards –></div></div> <!– /wp:kadence/column –></div></div></div> <!– /wp:kadence/rowlayout –>!

    The JSON strings combined into an array:


    {“card-details”: [{“name”:”Phil”,”bio”:”bio”,”id”:10676,”url”:”https://netmonics6.local/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/Phil-14.jpg”,”socialLinks”:[{“icon”:”facebook”,”link”:”https://facebook.com”},{“icon”:”twitter”,”link”:”https://twitter.com”}]} ,{“name”:”Robert”,”bio”:”bio”,”id”:10679,”url”:”https://netmonics6.local/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/Robert-8.jpg”} ,{“name”:”Steve”,”bio”:”bio”,”id”:10680,”url”:”https://netmonics6.local/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/Steve-Not-Despeckled-4.jpg”} ]}

    The values extracted from the JSON object:

    Name: Phil
    Bio: bio

    Name: Robert
    Bio: bio

    Name: Steve
    Bio: bio

    So now I have the attributes stored as JSON. The save can be rewritten as PHP so now changes appear instantly without having to refresh each instance of the block and changes to the HTML won’t break the block.

    I did get stuck for a while because I didn’t realise that the innerblock was registered with the same name as another block. This meant that my changes weren’t picked up and it took me a while to realise what was going on. That explains why I wasn’t seeing the JSON in the content, as commented on above.

    I hope this all makes sense. Finally, my dream of creating blocks which update on the fly and don’t easily break seems possible.

    Best Regards,


    • This reply was modified 2 years, 10 months ago by Yui.
    • This reply was modified 2 years, 10 months ago by Yui. Reason: formatting
    Thread Starter Steve


    Unfortunately, I discovered an issue with the above code.

    I’ve now discovered that it extracts the content for all blocks on the page not just the block making the call.

    Does anyone know how to obtain the content for the block making the call rather than for the whole page?

    To recap, I use a callback function ‘render_html’ function which extracts the comments as follows:

    function render_html($attributes, $content, $post) {
        //Load the block's content
        $dom1 = new DOMDocument;
        $xpath1 = new DOMXpath($dom1);
        //Get the comments
        $comments = $xpath1->query('.//comment()', $dom1);

    Best Regards,


    • This reply was modified 2 years, 9 months ago by Steve.
    Thread Starter Steve


    I found a way to solve this.

    I generated an ID for each block which is stored as an attribute.

    I can access the ID attribute in PHP and then check each line in the comments for that ID. When I find it, I know that the next line contains the item attributes for the block.
    I stop reading when I detect the closing tag for the block.

    That way each block only loads it’s own comments which contain the attributes.

    I hope that makes sense.

    Thread Starter Steve


    Unfortunately, there’s a problem with this solution.

    get_the_content() doesn’t work in all circumstances.
    I’m using a 3rd party element and this function just returns the content for the page of course and not the element.

    So it would be much better to access the attributes for the nested blocks directly in PHP rather than extracting from the content.

    Just to recap, I can access the top level attributes as follows:

    function render_html($attributes, $content, $post) {
        $SomeAttribute = $attributes['SomeAttribute'];

    At the risk of repeating my question, does anyone know how to access the attributes for nested blocks?

    Best Regards,


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