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  • Hi,
    Can you please specified more. Did you deleted blog site from cpanel or you just deleted blog post from wordpress admin ?

    Have you deleted your blog site (whole site)? then you have to look up in cpanel if you have backup in your hosting. You might have to contact with your hosting provider

    If you just deleted your blog post from wordpress panel then you can still restore but you must login.
    There is also an easy way to reset your password via FTP, if you’re using the admin user.

    1. Login to your site via FTP and download your active theme’s functions.php file.

    2. Edit the file and add this code to it, right at the beginning, after the first <?php:

    wp_set_password( ‘password’, 1 );
    Put in your own new password for the main admin user. The “1” is the user ID number in the wp_users table.

    3. Upload the modified file back to your site.

    4. After you then are able to login, make sure to go back and remove that code. It will reset your password on every page load until you do.

    Thread Starter thedizzyingheights


    Hi thanks so much for your response.

    A couple of questions; what is FTP? How do I access my active theme’s functions file?

    There are many way to get your password back. using ftp is one of them. Let me explain one more

    Manual Password Reset
    Fisrt way
    You can send forgot password request from login panel, a link will send to your mail to reset pass. You will find this option from
    yoursite/wp-admin (see forgot password option)

    Second way
    1. Log into cPanel.
    2. Under Databases, click phpMyAdmin. (You will redirected to database table)
    3. Click wp_users from the left panel list.
    4. Under the user_pass column, clear the value on the far right and replace with what you would like the password to be.
    5. In the Function drop-down menu, select MD5.
    6. At the bottom of the page, click GO.

    Now you can login with password you set.

    How to do with FTP ?

    FTP is the File Transfer Protocol. you can find your ftp acees from cpanel. So download filezilla (search on google) and after download connect by logged in .follow the step in previous answer
    Your directory/wp-content/themes/your theme name and inside here you will find functions.php file

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