We store the plugin’s settings in option keys of cptui_post_types
and cptui_taxonomies
if I recall right, Both are arrays of post types or taxonomies registered, with the post type slug being a key and the value being all the settings chosen for that type or tax. All of the actual content created for them are stored in their appropriate tables just like posts and pages and post types not registered through us.
So if you were planning to get the post type back via a backup of the database, you’d want to check the backup’s wp_options table and locate that option key.
If you’re going the route of rebuilding, since you say you weren’t that far along, re-using the same slug would once again register a post type with that one, and all of the posts would once again be associated with it. Only thing you’d need to consider is any settings for the post type that you intently set, as opposed to perhaps relying on defaults. Biggest ones I can think of would be like hierarchical for parent/child relationships or has archives, or public in general.
Long story short regarding rebuilding, it should be really easy to get back up and going. As easy as just using the previous slug again.