@t-p I think he’s referring to Yandex instructions for verifying website ownership.
@accountbloccato you’re following the wrong instructions, unfortunately. Based on what you said, he’s what happened.
Your hosting provider detected malicious files on your website and suspended your website/account, asking you to clean it up to re-activate it. This is very typical with shared hosting providers.
The blacklists you’re checking out, including Yandex, are a symptom of a problem. It’s not the actual problem. Yandex detected malicious files on your website and blacklisted you. The problem is still on your website.
Most hosting providers in this situation give you cPanel access and/or FTP access to allow you to clean up malicious files. You have to access website files, find malicious files, remove or clean them, and then request your hosting provider to re-scan your website.
Once website is clean and your hosting provider is able to confirm this with their internal scan, they will re-activate your website.
Nothing you do in Yandex or other search engine blacklists will help you recover your website. You have to clean up malicious files on your website.
Go to this page that t-p shared:
FAQ My site was hacked
And go down to section titled “Find and remove the hack.” That’s where you need to start to get your site cleaned up.