Hi @almushtari
Would it be possible to try using latin characters for your repeater name, or to test with a new repeater with only this modification? It’s possible that some of our customizations to the codemirror editor weren’t created with mixed text directions in mind.
Another thing that could help you track down where the issue is would be to add some test text to your loop to see if it appears on the page. If it does and repeats for each item in your repeater, it’s possible that the issue is actually with your nested field.
<Loop acf_relationship=field_name>
Test: <Field nested_field_name /><br />
If the fields you’re using aren’t simple text fields, you may want to check the ACF integration reference in our docs to make sure you’re calling them correctly.
Please make sure that the context that you’ve placed your repeater loop in is correct too, our documentation on understanding the default query or default loop could come in handy there: https://docs.loopsandlogic.com/getting-started/terminology-definitions/default-query
There’s lots of discussions on our forum about ACF Relationship loops, so it may be worth looking there for more context on using them since our documentation is a bit sparse on examples. If you confirm that this appears to be a text-direction issue I’ll make sure the development team gets a heads up so we can make the plugin more accessible!
Julia @ Team Tangible