• After adding steps to earn an achievement, clicking the ‘Save All Steps’ button, clicking ‘Update’, and then scrolling back down to view the steps, none of the steps that were just created are displayed. Reviewing the database table with PHPmyAdmin reveals that the steps are being saved in the post table, they just don’t seem to be retrieved when editing an achievement.


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  • Thread Starter mbigler


    I just updated to the latest version and I am still unable to save steps. They are being stored in the database, but when viewing a badge to modify the steps none are listed, and badges are not awarded for completing the “saved steps”. Any help would be appreciated.

    Thread Starter mbigler


    I modified the steps-ui.php file to echo the number of items in the $required_steps array before the loop that prints them out, and it returns 0 no matter what. Also, if I followed the code correctly, it looks like new achievement types are supposed to create a new post type; so I’m assuming when I create an achievement type of Badges that the post type for all achievements of that type should be badges, but new achievements are being saved with the ‘step’ post type…

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