• I am having an issue with processing pre-orders upon release using the YITH Pre-Order for WooCommerce Premium. I’ve traced the issue back to

    do_action( 'ywpo_process_pre_order_release_payment_' . $order->get_payment_method(), $order );

    When I add

    if (!has_action('ywpo_process_pre_order_release_payment_' . $order->get_payment_method())) {
    	WC_Stripe_Logger::log( 'Action ywpo_process_pre_order_release_payment_' . $order->get_payment_method() . ' is missing' );

    I get

    2023-09-14T15:58:12+00:00 DEBUG 
    ====Stripe Version: 7.5.0====
    ====Start Log====
    Action ywpo_process_pre_order_release_payment_stripe is missing
    ====End Log====

    I filed a support ticket on the YITH website but have gotten little traction

    Support request #264488

    • This topic was modified 1 year, 2 months ago by johnnystorm0.
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  • Plugin Support Alberto Ruggiero


    Hello @johnnystorm0

    we can’t provide support for premium versions here. If you have already opened a ticket on our support platform please wait for the answer from our support technicians. Please note that tickets follow a queue so it’s possible to experience some delay.

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