• I would appreciate any feedback/criticisms that you could give me on my new WordPress theme at actionberg.com. It works best in non-IE browsers, but should work ok in IE (just doesn’t have the fixed menu).

    Also, does anyone know an easy way to grab the parent category of a post? I am wanting to do this so I can use the categories as a way to have “multiple blogs.”


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  • Looks fine in Firefox 1.02 and degrades gracefully in IE 6 (no transparency in header). Regarding parent categories, can you provide an example/scenario?

    Thread Starter actionberg


    Thanks for the help. I have to main parent categories, Journey and Thoughts. Each post will have one or the other as the parent. When I am listing the posts for the main page, for each post I would like to know what the parent category is in a variable so that I can display a different image above each post.

    The following snippet should help you along the way:

    foreach((get_the_category()) as $cat) {
    echo(get_category_parents($cat->category_id,fales,'')); ?>
    } ?>

    Thread Starter actionberg


    Perfect, that is what I was looking for. Similar to that, do you know of a way to hide the parent category? Like, I wouldn’t want Journey or Thoughts to show up in the post categories or the categories listed on the sidebar.

    Thanks for the help.

    To exclude the categories from being displayed in the sidebar list, you can use:
    <?php wp_list_cats('exclude=1,2'); ?>
    where 1 and 2 are the category_id’s for Journey or Thoughts.

    Hiding it from the post categories (I assume you mean hiding from the list of categories that is shown on the right when people are posting) is a bit more difficult and will require modification to the base WP files however.

    In my opinion, one of the best themes I’ve seen. A pity you didn’t enter it in the competition. The main titles might look better lined up with the left edge of the text in the posts as this wouldn’t break the “rounded effect” as the eye travels to the left and up. Excellent work, though.

    Thread Starter actionberg


    Good point. That would definitely give it a better look I think. I previously had a much skinnier content section, but with the wider look, I think moving the header text over will definitely give it a better flow for the eyes.

    The general design looks good (I don’t like this transparency style, because it significently slows down the scrolling in my FF 1.0.2. – but thats another thing). The font you’re using for ‘actionberg.com’ and ‘journey’ doesnt fit to well to the rest of your blog, from a typographical point of view. It’s a kind of a sience fiction font, but the rest of your site is more serious. Otherwise, it’s a nice theme. =)

    Thread Starter actionberg


    Why would the “transparency” slow down the scrolling? All it is is a DIV with a PNG as the background. I wouldn’t think that should slow anything down.

    The slowdown isn’t specifically down to your implementation. The work down by the browser is slightly computationally expensive and can result in slowdown on less spec’ed systems.

    I don’t experience it but I remember noticing perceptible slowdown about 2 years ago on someone else’s system (Mozilla on a pentium 3 600 if I recall correctly) when that effect was employed. It’s really just something to be aware of.

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