Hi Savva’s,
I would like to install the plug-in: “File Manager” and a few more plug-ins. And after every installation (+ activation) of different plug-ins, the problem I encounter is that they are not visible in the admin menu anywhere. So I can’t start them up.
Niyas Sikkandar?(@niyaswp) advised me to change the file “wp-config.php” by changing :define(‘DISALLOW_FILE_EDIT’, true); and define(‘DISALLOW_FILE_MODS’, true); to define(‘DISALLOW_FILE_EDIT’, false); and define(‘DISALLOW_FILE_MODS’, false);
But I have no experience in doing that. I suppose it is risky because I am not an IT’er.
Do you think this is the only solution?
I have already disactivated several plug-ins, but the problem stays the same.
My website (www.ligadebarloke.be) is currently working fine but i would like to modify it further and give it a modern look by using plug-ins.
I’m working with Theme Rookie — Sportspress. as my website is an information for all soccer players in our league (indoor soccer).
BTW. thank you for helping out with “loss condition” in an earlier topic.