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  • Hi, anur.

    To show hovered image on menu page just add to file style.css of your active theme this few strings:

    .menu-item.current-menu-item .menu-image-hover-wrapper img.hovered-image {
        opacity: 1;

    Hi Alex,

    I don’t think Anur is looking for a transparency affect.

    I have same requirement. Let me give an example: the menu image is grey.jpg, but it changes to white.jpg when it’s the current menu item.


    I know, just try to add this code and see what is happen.

    For better transparent effect I place the second image over the first, and hid the second image with opacity:0, so for .menu-item.current-menu-item just add opacity:1 and this should solve the problem.

    Or have I got it all wrong again?

    Hi Alex,

    You’re awesome! It works.

    I didn’t see how it would work because your plugin doesn’t ask for the hover image until the menu is saved. After I saved the menu, added hover image and saved a again, the CSS just works!

    The only change I made to the CSS is I used current-menu-ancestor instead of current-menu-item because there is no current-menu-item on top level in my case.

    Here is my css:

    .menu-item.current-menu-ancestor .menu-image-hover-wrapper img.hovered-image {
        opacity: 1;

    Thank you Alex!


    You are welcome!

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