• Resolved rapidasia


    Thanks for this plugin.

    I’m wondering if anyone has figured out a PUBLIC activity stream / activity wall similar to Buddypress and/or now available in UM…

    Especially helpful across a WP multisite.

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  • Plugin Support Mary Job


    Hi @rapidasia,

    Thank you for reaching out.

    I cannot say for certain which other community plugins have a public activity stream but you can see a list of plugins tagged community here to check with has the feature you would need: https://www.ads-software.com/plugins/tags/community/

    I hope this information helps.

    Thread Starter rapidasia


    Hi – thanks for replying but I’m looking for a solution using PMpro not using another plugin like Ultimate Member which has a Social Activity addon. Buddypress is bloated beyond measure and incompatible with WordPress unless custom coding is used

    it’s about webhooks and displaying on the member profile

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